S.C. Code § 59-57-40
To carry out its purpose and objective the Commission, with the approval of a majority of its members, may enter into contracts, make binding agreements, negotiate with educators and educational institutions and, generally, take such actions in its name as are necessary to secure for the respective counties and adjacent areas the educational facilities described in Section 59-57-30; provided, that the counties shall not be bound nor held liable for any acts of omission or commission of the Commission, nor by any provision of any contract or agreement, expressed or implied, except upon the written approval and consent of a majority of the legislative delegations from the respective counties.
The Commission may borrow funds in anticipation of taxes, appropriations, grants or gifts with the prior written approval of a majority of the legislative delegation from each county. The Commission may accept grants, gifts or donations and may hold title to real and personal property.
S.C. Code § 59-57-40