Section 59-32-10 - DefinitionsAs used in this chapter:
(1) "Comprehensive health education" means health education in a school setting that is planned and carried out with the purpose of maintaining, reinforcing, or enhancing the health, health-related skills, and health attitudes and practices of children and youth that are conducive to their good health and that promote wellness, health maintenance, and disease prevention. It includes age-appropriate, sequential instruction in health either as part of existing courses or as a special course.(2) "Reproductive health education" means instruction in human physiology, conception, prenatal care and development, childbirth, and postnatal care, but does not include instruction concerning sexual practices outside marriage or practices unrelated to reproduction except within the context of the risk of disease. Abstinence and the risks associated with sexual activity outside of marriage must be strongly emphasized.(3) "Family life education" means instruction intended to: (a) develop an understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological aspects of close personal relationships and an understanding of the physiological, psychological, and cultural foundations of human development;(b) provide instruction that will support the development of responsible personal values and behavior and aid in establishing a strong family life for themselves in the future and emphasize the responsibilities of marriage.(c) provide instruction as to the laws of this State relating to the sexual conduct of minors, including criminal sexual conduct.(4) "Pregnancy prevention education" means instruction intended to: (a) stress the importance of abstaining from sexual activity until marriage;(b) help students develop skills to enable them to resist peer pressure and abstain from sexual activity;(c) explain methods of contraception and the risks and benefits of each method. Abortion must not be included as a method of birth control. Instruction explaining the methods of contraception must not be included in any education program for grades kindergarten through fifth. Contraceptive information must be given in the context of future family planning.(5) "Local school board" means the governing board of public school districts as well as those of other state-supported institutions which provide educational services to students at the elementary and secondary school level. For purposes of this chapter, programs or services provided by the Department of Health and Environmental Control in educational settings must be approved by the local school board.(6) "Board" means the State Board of Education.(7) "Department" means the State Department of Education.1988 Act No. 437, Section 3.