- Section 58-11-10 - Definitions
- Section 58-11-20 - Rates shall be just and reasonable
- Section 58-11-30 - Filing schedules of rates, rules and regulations
- Section 58-11-40 - Compensation different from that in schedule shall not be charged or received
- Section 58-11-50 - Unreasonable preferences and differences in rates shall not be made; reasonable classifications may be established
- Section 58-11-60 - Procedure for changes in rates initiated by radio common carrier
- Section 58-11-70 - Hearing on new schedule of rates; suspension of new rates pending such hearing; putting new rates into effect despite suspension by filing of bond
- Section 58-11-80 - Service shall be adequate and efficient
- Section 58-11-90 - Commission may permit interconnection of facilities of radio common carriers and telephone utilities; determination of compensation and terms when parties fail to agree
- Section 58-11-100 - Certificate of public convenience as prerequisite to construction or operation of system; applicability to commercial mobile service providers
- Section 58-11-110 - Carrier shall file application with Federal Communications Commission
- Section 58-11-120 - Extension of existing facilities
- Section 58-11-130 - Abandonment of service
- Section 58-11-140 - Sale or other disposition of property, powers, franchises or privileges
- Section 58-11-150 - Restrictions on capitalization for rate-making purposes
- Section 58-11-160 - Systems of accounts
- Section 58-11-170 - Depreciation and retirement charges
- Section 58-11-180 - Transactions with affiliates
- Section 58-11-190 - Participation in profits from efficiency
- Section 58-11-200 - Annual and special reports
- Section 58-11-210 - Companies subject to chapter even before commencing operations
- Section 58-11-220 - Office in State
- Section 58-11-230 - Compliance with orders and regulations
- Section 58-11-240 - Procedure for issuance of securities by nonmunicipal radio common carriers
- Section 58-11-250 - Radio common carriers shall not permit employees to sell securities of others during employment nor require them to purchase any securities
- Section 58-11-260 - Revocation of certificate of authorization upon revocation of articles of incorporation
- Section 58-11-270 - Commission shall furnish forms and information so as to permit orderly compliance by carriers