Section 56-5-4435 - Safety equipment required for motor vehicles used in vending foodA motor vehicle which performs business in a residential or abundant housing area and makes frequent or unscheduled stops for the purpose of vendor sales of frozen dairy products or other types of snack foods must be equipped with the following safety features:
(1) an audible alarm signal device when the vehicle is in reverse gear, but the signal must not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound;(2) signal lamps mounted on the front and on the rear as high and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, which are capable of displaying two alternately flashing red lights at the same level. These lights must have sufficient intensity to be visible at five hundred feet in normal sunlight;(3) an extended mirror outside on both the right and left side of the vehicle to reflect to the driver a view of the street or highway for a distance of at least two hundred feet behind the vehicle;(4) a rear mirror situated to provide the operator a view of the area immediately behind the vehicle; and(5) a swing arm located on the front and rear of the vehicle that prohibits a person from walking directly in front of or behind the vehicle. The swing arm must be engaged when the vehicle is stopped for the purpose of vending products.This section does not apply to a vehicle that delivers or distributes foods to commercial properties or construction sites only.
1994 Act No. 303, Section 1.