- Section 56-5-3810 - Limitations on backing
- Section 56-5-3820 - Operation of vehicle when driver's view or control over driving mechanism interfered with
- Section 56-5-3822 - Opening vehicle doors
- Section 56-5-3826 - Riding in moving house trailers prohibited
- Section 56-5-3830 - Driving through defiles or canyons or on mountain highways
- Section 56-5-3835 - Driving upon sidewalk
- Section 56-5-3840 - Coasting prohibited
- Section 56-5-3850 - Crossing fire hose prohibited
- Section 56-5-3860 - Animals and certain vehicles prohibited on controlled-access highways; exceptions; penalty
- Section 56-5-3870 - Motor vehicle speed detection jamming devices
- Section 56-5-3880 - Closure of state highways for running events
- Section 56-5-3885 - Unlawful to display obscene bumper sticker
- Section 56-5-3890 - Unlawful use of a wireless electronic communication device while operating a motor vehicle; penalties; limitation on law enforcement officers; department to maintain statistical information; preemption of local ordinances
- Section 56-5-3900 - Transportation of minors in open vehicles