S.C. Code § 49-19-1030
It shall not be necessary for the clerk to name the parties interested but it shall be sufficient to say: Notice of Filing Commissioners' Report For __________ Drainage District. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the following described real estate in __________ County (or counties), in the State of South Carolina, viz.: (here give boundaries of district) included within "__________ Drainage District" that the commissioners heretofore appointed to assess benefits and damages to the property and lands situate in said drainage district and to appraise the cash value of the land necessary to be taken for rights of way, holding basins and other works of said district within or without the limits of said district filed their report in this office on the ___ day of __________, 19___, and you and each of you are hereby notified that you may examine said report and file exception to all or any part thereof on or before the first Monday in __________, 19___. First publication __________, 19___ clerk of the court of common pleas, __________ County.
S.C. Code § 49-19-1030