Section 44-40-40 - Establishment, administration, and duties of Agent Orange Information and Assistance ProgramWith the advice of council, the program shall:
(1) seek out, study, evaluate, and provide information regarding epidemiological, genetic, and other studies, investigations, and research that pertain to use of chemical agents, including Agent Orange, and adverse health conditions which may be associated with exposure to such agents;(2) provide medical information to health professionals in the State regarding the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic symptoms which may be associated with exposure to chemical agents, including Agent Orange;(3) monitor and report on the activities and policies of the United States Government and other states relating to the exposure of veterans to chemical agents, including Agent Orange;(4) monitor existing programs for Vietnam veterans at the state or local level to determine if adequate services and resources exist, identify additional areas of concern, and make recommendations on behalf of Vietnam veterans to address these needs;(5) provide, in cooperation with the health facilities of the University of South Carolina and the Medical University of South Carolina, genetic information, screening, and counseling to veterans who have concerns regarding the possible genetic effects which may be associated with exposure to chemical agents, including Agent Orange;(6) establish, promote, and maintain a public information service on Agent Orange. The services shall include, but not be limited to, efforts to contact Vietnam veterans who may have been exposed to Agent Orange;(7) maintain a central state registry of information on Vietnam veterans in South Carolina who may have been exposed to Agent Orange, dioxin, or other chemical substances. The registry also shall include information obtained under the provisions of Section 44-40-50.1986 Act No. 521, Section 1.