S.C. Code § 43-1-70
The director may appoint and employ such other officers and employees as are authorized and may be necessary to perform the duties placed upon the department by law, and the director shall fix their compensation unless the General Assembly shall do so, but in no event shall the director expend any sums for purposes unauthorized by law. All such compensation shall be fixed by the state department, which shall submit to the State Budget and Control Board all proposed salaries not fixed by law, and the State Budget and Control Board shall pass upon such salaries so that the amounts paid shall be in keeping with the salaries paid to other state employees for similar service and duties. The director may require such officers and employees to furnish bonds in such amounts as it may determine. The selection of such officers and employees shall be made entirely upon the qualification and merit of the individuals so employed.
S.C. Code § 43-1-70
Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, reference in this section to the former Budget and Control Board has not been changed pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), until further action by the General Assembly.