S.C. Code § 40-77-10

Current through 2024 Act No. 225.
Section 40-77-10 - State Board of Registration for Geologists; member qualifications; term; vacancies; removal

There is created the State Board of Registration for Geologists which shall administer the provisions of this chapter. The board shall consist of four registered professional geologists of varied geological backgrounds who have been engaged in the practice of geology for at least twelve years and have been in responsible charge of important geologic work for at least five years, which may include being in responsible charge of geologic teaching or research, and one lay member who is not a geologist. At all times, at least one member of the board must be an academic geologist, one member must be a salaried company geologist, one member must be an independent or consultant geologist, and one member must be a geologist from a state agency. Each member must be appointed by the Governor for a term of five years and until his successor possessing the same qualifications is appointed and qualifies. Vacancies in the membership of the board must be filled for unexpired terms by appointment by the Governor as provided in this section. The Governor may remove a member of the board in accordance with Section 1-3-240.

S.C. Code § 40-77-10

1998 Act No. 354, Section 1; 1986 Act No. 507, Section 1.