Section 40-61-90 - Revocation, suspension, or restriction of certificate; misconductThe board may revoke, suspend, or otherwise restrict the certificate of any registered environmental sanitarian or reprimand or otherwise discipline him when it is established that the license holder is guilty of misconduct as defined in this chapter.
Misconduct, which constitutes grounds for revocation, suspension, or restriction of a certificate or a limitation on, reprimand, or other discipline of a registered environmental sanitarian, is a satisfactory showing to the board:
(1) That any false, fraudulent, or forged statement or document has been used, and any fraudulent, deceitful, or dishonest act has been practiced by the holder of a license or certificate in connection with any of the registration requirements.(2) That the holder of a certificate has been convicted of a felony or any other crime involving moral turpitude. Forfeiture of a bond or a plea of nolo contendere is considered the equivalent of a conviction.(3) That the holder of a certificate practiced environmental sanitation while under either the influence of alcohol or drugs to such a degree as to adversely affect his ability to practice environmental sanitation.(4) That the holder of a certificate uses alcohol or drugs to such a degree as to adversely affect his ability to practice environmental sanitation.(5) That the holder of a certificate has knowingly performed any act which substantially assists a person to practice environmental sanitation illegally.(6) That the holder of a certificate intentionally has caused to be published or circulated directly or indirectly any fraudulent, false, or misleading statements as to the skill or methods of practice of any environmental sanitarian.(7) That the holder of a certificate has sustained any physical or mental impairment or disability which renders further practice by him dangerous to the public.(8) That the holder of a certificate has violated the code of ethics as adopted by the board and published in its regulations.(9) That the holder of a certificate has engaged in conduct that is deceptive, fraudulent, or harmful to the public.(10) That the holder of a certificate is guilty of obtaining fees or assisting in obtaining such fees under deceptive, false, or fraudulent circumstances.(11) That the holder of a certificate is guilty of the use of any intentionally false or fraudulent statement in any document connected with the practice of environmental sanitation.(12) That the holder of a certificate has been found by the board to lack the professional competence to practice environmental sanitation.(13) That the holder of a certificate has violated any provision of this chapter regulating the practice of environmental sanitation.(14) That the holder of a certificate has been guilty of using a solicitor or peddlers, cappers, or steerers to obtain patronage.In addition to all other remedies and actions incorporated in this chapter, the certificate of a registered environmental sanitarian adjudged mentally incompetent by any court of proper jurisdiction is automatically suspended by the board until he is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be mentally competent.
1984 Act No. 512, Part II, Section 58A; 1962 (52) 1918; 1962 Code Section 56-1546.9.