S.C. Code § 40-19-10
There is created the South Carolina State Board of Funeral Service consisting of eleven members appointed by the Governor from the State at large for terms of three years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. Of the eleven members, two must be members from the general public not connected with a funeral service establishment, and the remaining members must have been licensed as funeral directors and embalmers for at least five years immediately preceding their appointment and must be actively employed or actively engaged in the funeral service profession. All members must have been residents of this State for not fewer than five years preceding the date of their appointment.
The South Carolina Funeral Directors Association may recommend six members, the South Carolina Morticians Association may recommend three members, and an individual or private or public group or organization may make recommendations. All recommendations must be made to the Governor before the second of July in each year the term of office of a member expires. Appointments are effective on August fifteenth. Vacancies must be filled in the manner of original appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. The board shall notify the South Carolina Funeral Directors Association and the South Carolina Morticians Association of any vacancies that occur.
Any business conducted by the board must be by a positive majority vote. For purposes of this subsection "positive majority vote" means a majority vote of the entire membership of the board, reduced by any vacancies existing at the time.
S.C. Code § 40-19-10
Prior Laws:1955 (49) 550; 1962 Code Section 56-652; 1965 (54) 518; 1968 (55) 2706; 1971 (57) 327; 1973 (58) 787; 1983 Act No. 146, Section 1; 1984 Act No. 459, Section 1; 1976 Code Section 40-19-20.