Section 38-83-20 - Joint Underwriting Association insurers(A) A joint underwriting association is created, consisting of all insurers authorized to write within this State, on a direct basis, bodily injury liability insurance, other than automobile bodily injury liability insurance, homeowners liability insurance, and farmowners liability insurance, including insurers covering such peril in multiple peril package policies. Every such insurer is and must remain a member of the association as a condition of its authority to continue to transact this kind of insurance in this State.(B) The purpose of the association is to provide professional liability insurance on a self-supporting basis to the fullest extent possible.(C) The association is activated when the department of Insurance finds and declares the existence of an emergency because of the unavailability of professional liability insurance or the unavailability of such insurance on a reasonable basis through normal channels.1993 Act No. 181, Section 833; 1987 Act No. 62, Section 3.