S.C. Code § 38-15-30
Insurers doing business in this State who offer or undertake to become surety upon any bond or other surety contract must in addition to any other deposit required by the laws of this State deposit with the director bonds of the United States or of any state of the United States in the market value of one hundred thousand dollars which are receipted for by the director or his designee and held by him. The securities must be held to pay any final judgment entered against the insurer in a court of competent jurisdiction in this State requiring it to pay any loss or liability arising during the term of the bond or while the securities are held. Any judgment obtained is a lien upon the securities. When the insurer ceases to do business in this State, has settled all claims against it, and has been released from all bonds upon which it has been taken as surety, the securities deposited are delivered to the proper party on presentation of the receipt of the director or his designee for the securities. While the securities are deposited with the director, the owner is entitled to collect the interest on them. The faith of the State is pledged for the return of the deposited securities to the person entitled to receive them.
An insurer which has complied with the provisions required of qualified insurers in Section 38-9-100 is relieved of making the deposit required by this section and, subject to the provisions of Section 38-7-90, is entitled to the return of the deposit filed or deposited by it under this section.
A domestic insurer making a voluntary deposit provided by Section 38-9-110 is relieved of making this deposit if the insurer meets the definition of a qualified insurer as defined in Section 38-9-100 and if the voluntary deposit meets the requirements of that section.
S.C. Code § 38-15-30