S.C. Code § 24-9-20
The division shall be responsible for inspecting, in conjunction with a representative of the State Fire Marshal, at least annually every facility in this State housing prisoners or pretrial detainees operated by or for a state agency, county, municipality, or any other political subdivision, and such inspections shall include all phases of operation, fire safety, and health and sanitation conditions at the respective facilities. Food service operations of the facilities must be inspected at least annually by an employee of the Department of Agriculture. The inspections of local confinement facilities shall be based on standards established by the South Carolina Association of Counties and adopted by the Department of Corrections, and appropriate fire and health codes and regulations. The division, the inspecting fire marshal, and the food service inspector of the Department of Agriculture shall each prepare a written report on the conditions of the inspected facility. Copies of the reports shall be filed with the chairman of the governing body of the political subdivision having jurisdiction of the facility inspected, the chairman of the governing body of each political subdivision involved in a multi-jurisdictional facility, the administrator, manager, or supervisor for the political subdivision, the responsible sheriff or police chief if he has operational custody of the inspected facility, and the administrator or director of the inspected facility. All reports shall be filed through the Director of the Department of Corrections.
S.C. Code § 24-9-20