- Section 2-7-10 - Effective date of legislative enactments
- Section 2-7-20 - Effect of repeal of legislative enactment
- Section 2-7-30 - Construction of words
- Section 2-7-35 - Handicapped person defined
- Section 2-7-40 - References to members of county legislative delegations in certain statutes affecting multi-county senatorial districts
- Section 2-7-45 - Adoption of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as only general statutory law of State
- Section 2-7-50 - Amendments, additions and repeals may be made by reference to this Code
- Section 2-7-60 - Annual general appropriations act
- Section 2-7-62 - [Repealed]
- Section 2-7-65 - Agencies, departments and institutions to justify amount of requested appropriations
- Section 2-7-66 - Education Improvement Act appropriations to agencies and entities other than Education Department
- Section 2-7-68 - Format for general appropriations bill sections providing for employment of additional personnel
- Section 2-7-69 - Inclusion of new positions in general appropriation act; copies of Analysis of Change in appropriations by agency
- Section 2-7-70 - Itemization of appropriation bills
- Section 2-7-71 - Tax bills; requirement of estimated revenue impact statement
- Section 2-7-72 - Bills and resolutions requiring expenditure of funds shall have fiscal impact statements
- Section 2-7-73 - Bills and resolutions mandating health insurance coverage shall have fiscal impact statement
- Section 2-7-74 - Statement of estimated fiscal impacts of criminal offense changes
- Section 2-7-75 - Funds to be used in fiscal year for which they are appropriated, in accordance with line item appropriations
- Section 2-7-76 - Fiscal or revenue impact statements for certain bills and resolutions affecting the expenditure of funds by counties or municipalities
- Section 2-7-78 - Requirements for certification of revenue estimate in the Governor's recommended appropriations bill and the conference committee report
- Section 2-7-80 - Printing and distribution of acts; copies
- Section 2-7-90 - Use of certified mail satisfies requirement for registered mail
- Section 2-7-105 - Authorization for state capital improvement bonds
- Section 2-7-110 - Bill or resolution requiring expenditure by county, municipality, special purpose district, or school district; statement of estimated fiscal impact
- Section 2-7-115 - Appropriations for debt service in general appropriations act; additional bonds
- Section 2-7-120 - Designation of non-recurring or one-time expenditures in budget recommendations and general appropriations bills
- Section 2-7-125 - Recorded roll call vote defined; when required