Section 236A.8 - Emergency orders1. When the court is unavailable from the close of business at the end of the day or week to the resumption of business at the beginning of the day or week, a petition may be filed before a district judge, or district associate judge designated by the chief judge of the judicial district, who may grant emergency relief in accordance with section 236A.7, subsection 1, paragraph "b", if the district judge or district associate judge deems it necessary to protect the plaintiff from sexual abuse, upon good cause shown in an ex parte proceeding. Present danger of sexual abuse to the plaintiff constitutes good cause for purposes of this subsection.2. An emergency order issued under subsection 1 shall expire seventy-two hours after issuance. When the order expires, the plaintiff may seek a temporary order from the court pursuant to section 236A.6.3. A petition filed and emergency order issued under this section and any documentation in support of the petition and order shall be immediately certified to the court. The certification shall commence a proceeding for purposes of section 236A.3.Added by 2017 Iowa, ch 121, s 11, eff. 7/1/2017.Referred to in §232.8, 915.50