Section 236A.11 - Plaintiff's address - confidentiality of records1. A plaintiff seeking relief from sexual abuse under this chapter may use any of the following addresses as a mailing address for purposes of filing a petition under this chapter, as well as for the purpose of obtaining any utility or other service: a. The mailing address of a shelter or other agency.b. A public or private post office box.c. Any other mailing address, with the permission of the resident of that address.2. A plaintiff shall report any change of address, whether designated according to subsection 1 or otherwise, to the clerk of court no more than five days after the previous address on record becomes invalid.3. The entire file or a portion of the file in a sexual abuse case shall be sealed by the clerk of court as ordered by the court to protect the privacy interest or safety of any person.4. Notwithstanding subsection 3, court orders and support payment records shall remain public records, although the court may order that address and location information be redacted from the public records.Added by 2017 Iowa, ch 121, s 14, eff. 7/1/2017.Referred to in §236A.3, 915.50