Section 418.14 - Bond issuance1.a. A governmental entity receiving sales tax revenues pursuant to this chapter is authorized to issue bonds that are payable from revenues deposited in the governmental entity's flood project fund created pursuant to section 418.13 for the purpose of funding a project in the area from which sales tax revenues will be collected.b. A governmental entity shall have the authority to pledge irrevocably to the payment of the bonds an amount of revenue derived from the sales tax revenue received by the governmental entity pursuant to section 418.12 for each of the years the bonds remain outstanding, together with other amounts held in the flood project fund of the governmental entity.c. The costs of a project may include but are not limited to administrative expenses, construction and reconstruction costs, engineering, fiscal, financial and legal expenses, surveys, plans and specifications, interest during construction or reconstruction and for one year after completion of the project, initial reserve funds, acquisition of real or personal property necessary for the construction or reconstruction of the project, subject to the limitation in section 418.4, subsection 1, paragraph "c", and such other costs as are necessary and incidental to the construction or reconstruction of the project and the financing thereof. The governmental entity shall have the power to retain and enter into agreements with engineers, fiscal agents, financial advisers, attorneys, architects, and other consultants or advisers for planning, supervision, and financing of a project upon such terms and conditions as shall be deemed by the governing body of the governmental entity as advisable and in the best interest of the governmental entity. Bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter are declared to be investment securities under the laws of the state of Iowa.2.a. If a governmental entity elects to authorize the issuance of bonds payable as provided in this section, the governmental entity shall follow the authorization procedures for cities set forth in section 384.83.b. A governmental entity shall have the authority to issue bonds for the purpose of refunding outstanding bonds issued under this section without otherwise complying with the notice and hearing provisions of section 384.83.3.a. Except as otherwise provided in this section, bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not be subject to the provisions of any other law or charter relating to the authorization, issuance, or sale of bonds. Bonds issued under this section shall not limit or restrict the authority of a governmental entity as defined in section 418.1, subsection 4, paragraphs "a" and "b", or a city, county, drainage district, sanitary district, or combined water and sanitary district participating in a governmental entity as defined in section 418.1, subsection 4, paragraph "c", to issue bonds for the project under other provisions of the Code.b. The bonds may be issued in one or more series and shall comply with all of the following: (1) The bonds shall bear the date of issuance.(2) The bonds shall specify whether they are payable on demand or the time of maturity.(3) The bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding that permitted by chapter 74A.(4) The bonds shall be in a denomination or denominations, be in the form, have the rank or priority, be executed in the manner, be payable in the medium of payment, at the place or places, be subject to the terms of redemption, with or without premium, be secured in the manner, and have the other characteristics, as may be provided by the resolution authorizing their issuance. The resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds may also prescribe additional provisions, terms, conditions, and covenants which the governmental entity deems advisable, including provisions for creating and maintaining reserve funds and the issuance of additional bonds ranking on a parity with such bonds and additional bonds junior and subordinate to such bonds.c. The bonds may be sold at public or private sale at a price as may be determined by the governmental entity.d. The principal and interest on the bonds issued by a governmental entity under this section shall be payable solely and only from and secured by the revenue derived from the sales tax revenues received by the governmental entity pursuant to section 418.12 and from other funds of the governmental entity lawfully available from the governmental entity's flood project fund established under section 418.13.4.a. Bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by a governmental entity for purposes of financing a project under this chapter are not an obligation of this state. Except to the extent a debt service levy is authorized for the payment of a governmental entity's costs related to bonds, notes, or other obligations as provided in paragraph "b", bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by a governmental entity for purposes of financing a project under this chapter are not an obligation of any political subdivision of this state other than the governmental entity, and such bonds, notes, or other obligations shall not constitute an indebtedness of any political subdivision of this state within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. A governmental entity shall not pledge the credit or taxing power of this state. Except as provided in paragraph "b", a governmental entity shall not pledge the credit or taxing power of any political subdivision of this state other than the governmental entity or make its bonds issued under this section payable out of any moneys except those in the governmental entity's flood project fund.b. If the moneys in the governmental entity's flood project fund are insufficient to pay the governmental entity's costs related to bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under this chapter, the amounts necessary to pay such costs may be levied and transferred for deposit in the governmental entity's flood project fund from the debt service fund of the governmental entity or, if applicable, the debt service fund of a participating city or county for a governmental entity as defined in section 418.1, subsection 4, paragraph "c", but only if and to the extent provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds and, if applicable, the chapter 28E or 28F agreement.c. The sole remedy for a breach or default of a term of a bond issued under this section is a proceeding in law or in equity by suit, action, or mandamus to enforce and compel performance of the duties required by this chapter and of the terms of the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.2012 Acts, ch 1094, §15, 18; 2015 Acts, ch 120, §18, 19, 24, 25
Amended by 2015 Iowa, ch 120,s 19, eff. 6/22/2015.Amended by 2015 Iowa, ch 120, s 18, eff. 6/22/2015.Amended by 2014 Iowa, ch 1141, s 90, eff. 5/30/2014.2012 Acts, ch 1094, §15, 18Referred to in §331.430, 384.4, 418.12, 418.13