Iowa Code § 403.20
In determining the assessed value of property within an urban renewal area which is subject to a division of tax revenues pursuant to section 403.19, the difference between the actual value of the property as determined by the assessor each year and the actual value of the property as determined by the assessor following application of the assessment limitations under section 441.21, subsection 9, shall be subtracted from the actual value of the property as determined pursuant to section 403.19, subsection 1. If the assessed value of the property as determined pursuant to section 403.19, subsection 1, is reduced to zero, the additional valuation reduction shall be subtracted from the actual value of the property as determined by the assessor.
Iowa Code § 403.20
2003 Acts, ch 145, § 286; 2022 Acts, ch 1061, §33, 38
Referred to in §357H.9, 441.21 A
2022 amendment applies retroactively to assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2022; 2022 Acts, ch 1061, §38