Chapter 400 - CIVIL SERVICE
- Section 400.1 - Appointment of commission
- Section 400.2 - Qualifications - prohibited contracts - penalty
- Section 400.3 - Optional appointment of commission - abolishing commission
- Section 400.4 - Chairperson - clerk - records
- Section 400.5 - Rooms and supplies
- Section 400.6 - Applicability - exceptions
- Section 400.7 - Preference by service
- Section 400.8 - Original entrance examination - appointments
- Section 400.8A - Guidelines for ongoing fitness for police officers and fire fighters
- Section 400.9 - Promotional examinations and procedures
- Section 400.10 - Veterans preferences
- Section 400.11 - Names certified - temporary appointment
- Section 400.12 - Seniority - extinguishment - reestablishment
- Section 400.12A - Hiring practices - suspension - reinstatement
- Section 400.13 - Chief of police and chief of fire department
- Section 400.14 - Civil service status of chiefs
- Section 400.15 - Appointing powers
- Section 400.16 - Qualifications
- Section 400.17 - Employees under civil service - qualifications
- Section 400.18 - Removal, discharge, demotion, or suspension
- Section 400.19 - Removal, discharge, demotion, or suspension of subordinates
- Section 400.20 - Appeal
- Section 400.21 - Notice of appeal
- Section 400.22 - Charges
- Section 400.23 - Time and place of hearing
- Section 400.24 - Oaths - books and papers
- Section 400.25 - Contempt
- Section 400.26 - Public trial
- Section 400.27 - Jurisdiction - attorney - appeal
- Section 400.28 - Employees - number diminished
- Section 400.29 - Political activity limited
- Section 400.30 - Penalty
- Section 400.31 - Waterworks employees