- Section 384.80 - Definitions
- Section 384.81 - Provisions of city code exclusive - combined utility or enterprise
- Section 384.82 - Authority - revenue bonds - pledge orders
- Section 384.83 - Procedures for revenue bonds and pledge orders
- Section 384.84 - Rates and charges - billing and collection - contracts
- Section 384.84A - Special election
- Section 384.85 - Records - accounts - deposits
- Section 384.86 - Pledge valid and effective
- Section 384.87 - Payable from revenues
- Section 384.88 - Sole remedy
- Section 384.89 - Transfer of surplus
- Section 384.90 - Part payment from other bonds and other sources
- Section 384.91 - City to pay for services
- Section 384.92 - Statute of limitation
- Section 384.93 - Conflicting provisions
- Section 384.94 - Prior projects preserved