Section 347.23A - Memorial hospital or county hospital payable from revenue bonds changed to county hospital1. A hospital established as a memorial hospital under chapter 37 or a county hospital supported by revenue bonds and organized under chapter 347A may become, in accordance with the provisions of this section, a county hospital organized and managed as provided for in this chapter. If the hospital is established by a city as a memorial hospital, the city must be located in the county which will own and manage the hospital. A proposition for the change must be submitted to and approved by a majority of the electors of the county which will own and manage the hospital as provided for in this chapter. In addition, if the hospital is a memorial hospital organized by a city under chapter 37, the proposition must also be approved by a majority of the electors of that city. The proposition shall be submitted to the electors at an election called by the county board of supervisors and held on a date specified in section 39.2, subsection 4, paragraph "a".2. The proposition shall be placed upon the ballot by the board of supervisors if requested by the hospital's board of trustees or governing commission and the request is endorsed by a petition for this purpose signed by eligible electors of the county equal in number to five percent of the votes cast for president of the United States or governor, as the case may be, at the last general election. Upon the approval of the proposition the hospital, its assets and liabilities, shall become the property of the county and this chapter shall govern its future management. a. The question for a memorial hospital established by a city under chapter 37 shall be submitted in substantially the following form: Shall the .................... hospital of ........................, Iowa, be transferred to and become the property of, and be managed by the county of ........................, Iowa, under provision of chapter 347 of the Code of Iowa?
b. The question for a memorial hospital established by a county under chapter 37 or a county hospital supported by revenue bonds and organized under chapter 347A shall be submitted in substantially the following form: Shall the .................... hospital of ........................, Iowa, organized and governed under chapter ........ of the Code of Iowa be changed to be established and governed under chapter 347 of the Code of Iowa?
3. For the purpose of computing whether or not the proposition is carried, if the hospital is a memorial hospital established by a city under the provisions of chapter 37, the votes of the residents of that city shall be counted both for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the proposition is carried within the city and also for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the proposition is carried within the county.94 Acts, ch 1135, §2; 2001 Acts, ch 56, §28; 2008 Acts, ch 1115, § 60, 71
94 Acts, ch 1135, §2; 2001 Acts, ch 56, §28; 2008 Acts, ch 1115, §60, 71