Section 137F.4 - License required1. A person shall not operate a food establishment or food processing plant to provide goods or services to the general public, or open a food establishment to the general public, until the appropriate license has been obtained from the regulatory authority. Sale of products at wholesale to outlets not owned by a commissary owner requires a food processing plant license. A license shall expire one year from the date of issue. A license is renewable if application for renewal is made prior to expiration of the license or within sixty days of the expiration date of the license. All licenses issued under this chapter that are not renewed by the licensee on or before the expiration date shall be subject to a penalty of ten percent per month of the license fee if the license is renewed at a later date.2. A regulatory authority shall not suspend or revoke a license issued to a food processing plant under this chapter for offering for sale or selling a food product that is misbranded as a meat product in violation of section 137E.4.3. A license issued to a food processing plant under this section also covers the operation of a food processing plant under chapter 137E.