- Section 52-7-1 - Short title
- Section 52-7-2 - Declaration of policy
- Section 52-7-3 - Definitions
- Section 52-7-4 - Requirement as to numbering of vessels; titling; requirements for hull damaged vessels
- Section 52-7-5 - Numbering of vessels; requirements; fees
- Section 52-7-6 - Exemptions from numbering requirements
- Section 52-7-7 - Dealers' vessels
- Section 52-7-7.1 - Hull identification numbers required; penalty for violations
- Section 52-7-7.2 - Display of hull identification numbers on new vessels
- Section 52-7-7.3 - Seizure of vessels without hull identification numbers; seizure of related property; inspections
- Section 52-7-7.4 - [Repealed] Property not subject to replevin; report by law enforcement agency of seizure of property; procedures
- Section 52-7-7.5 - Counterfeit hull identification numbers; penalty
- Section 52-7-7.6 - Exception to requirement for hull identification numbers
- Section 52-7-8 - Classification of vessels; required equipment
- Section 52-7-8.1 - Discharge of sewage from vessels on lakes; use of vessels with marine toilets on protected fresh waters; certificate and recordation requirements
- Section 52-7-8.2 - Restrictions on operation of personal watercraft
- Section 52-7-8.3 - Operation of watercraft; identification; operation by minors
- Section 52-7-8.4 - Definitions; anchorage restriction areas; permit requirement for long-term anchoring in estuarine areas; short-term anchoring; safe harbor; exceptions
- Section 52-7-9 - Boat liveries
- Section 52-7-10 - Exhausts to be muffled; exemptions; noise level testing
- Section 52-7-11 - Lights
- Section 52-7-12 - Operation of watercraft while under influence of alcohol, toxic vapors, or drugs; legal drug use not exempted; blood and other chemical tests; test refusal; owner's liability for allowing another to operate while intoxicated; civil and criminal actions; child endangerment
- Section 52-7-12.1 - Reckless operation of vessel or other water device
- Section 52-7-12.2 - Homicide by vessel
- Section 52-7-12.3 - Feticide by vessel
- Section 52-7-12.4 - Serious injury by vessel
- Section 52-7-12.5 - Ordering drug, alcohol, or other substance tests; implied consent warning; reports; suspension; hearing; certificate of inspection
- Section 52-7-12.6 - Terms of suspension; return of operating privilege; operation when suspended
- Section 52-7-12.7 - Suspension of privileges to operate a vessel upon waters of this state for violations of vessel laws
- Section 52-7-13 - Boating safety zones; restrictions on use of motors and operation of houseboats on certain lakes; exceptions
- Section 52-7-13.1 - Limitation on wakeboarding or wakesurfing
- Section 52-7-14 - Accident, collision, or other casualty; salvage rights
- Section 52-7-15 - Furnishing information to federal officials and agencies
- Section 52-7-16 - Towing persons on water skis, aquaplanes, surfboards or similar device
- Section 52-7-17 - Speed and load restrictions; riding of bow or gunwale of vessel
- Section 52-7-18 - Rules of the road for boat traffic
- Section 52-7-19 - Regattas, boat races, marine parades, tournaments, and exhibitions
- Section 52-7-20 - Operation of vessels in vicinity of regulatory markers and aids to navigation; tampering with regulatory markers and aids to navigation
- Section 52-7-21 - Local regulations concerning operation, equipment, numbering, and other matters relating to vessels
- Section 52-7-22 - Comprehensive boating educational programs; required completion; exception
- Section 52-7-23 - Power of Board of Natural Resources to adopt rules and regulations
- Section 52-7-24 - Filing and publication of rules and regulations and amendments thereto
- Section 52-7-25 - Enforcement of article
- Section 52-7-26 - Penalty