Ga. Code § 50-6-10
The state auditor shall conduct a performance audit of spending on homeless programs and services in this state, including expenditures by the state, expenditures by municipalities and counties with substantial homeless populations, expenditures of federal funds allocated to the state for homeless programs, and expenditures by state and local law enforcement agencies to address homelessness. All local governments and instrumentalities of the state shall cooperate with the state auditor and grant access, at no cost, to all financial records and other programmatic information necessary to the completion of the performance audit. The audit shall examine the awarding of contracts and grants relating to homeless services and supports, the metrics used to determine success of the expenditures, whether the metrics are met by the contractors and grantees, and the efficacy of the use of the Georgia Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in relation to such programs. The audit shall be provided to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than December 31, 2023.
OCGA § 50-6-10