Section 50-17-101 - Guidelines, rules, and regulations for interest rate management plans and agreements; authority to enter into, modify, or terminate; disposition of payments under agreements; obligations, terms, and conditions; agency for state(a) The commission is authorized to and shall establish guidelines, rules, or regulations with respect to the procedures for approving interest rate management plans and with respect to any requirements for qualified interest rate management agreements. Such guidelines, rules, and regulations shall apply to the interest rate management plans and qualified interest rate management agreements of any state party. Such guidelines, rules, and regulations shall not constitute a rule within the meaning of Chapter 13 of this title, the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act," including, without limitation, the term "rule" as defined in paragraph (6) of Code Section 50-13-2 and used in Code Section 50-13-4.(b) With respect to all or any portion of any debt or any lease or installment purchase contract, either issued or anticipated to be issued by the state party, the state party may enter into, terminate, amend, or otherwise modify a qualified interest rate management agreement under such terms and conditions as the state party may determine, including, without limitation, provisions permitting the state party to pay to or receive from any counterparty any loss of benefits under such agreement upon early termination thereof or default under such agreement.(c) Payments received by a state party pursuant to the terms of a qualified interest rate management agreement shall not be deposited into the state general fund but shall be subject to disposition by the state party and applied in accord with the goals of managing interest rate risk and interest cost as set forth in the qualified interest rate management agreement, any authorizing document for the debt or the lease or installment purchase contract to which such qualified interest rate management agreement relates, or such state party's interest rate management plan.(d)(1) With respect to any qualified interest rate management agreement related to all or any portion of debt of a state party, the obligations of the state party contained in such qualified interest rate management agreement may be incurred as related or additional obligations of such debt and approved in the same manner as required for authorizing, approving, and issuing such debt to the extent not otherwise prohibited, limited, or impractical and consistent with any tax-exempt status of the related debt. If this power is exercised with respect to state debt, the obligations to pay a counterparty shall be subordinate to the obligations to pay holders of general obligation debt, guaranteed revenue debt, and all payments required under contracts entitled to the protection of the second paragraph of Paragraph I(a), Section VI, Article IX of the Constitution of 1976.(2) When the obligations of the state party are not incurred as related or additional obligations pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection and the qualified interest rate management agreement relates to debt of a state authority, the qualified interest rate management agreement shall be on such terms and conditions as the state party and counterparty agree consistent with provisions of this article.(3) When the obligations of the state party are not incurred as related or additional obligations pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection and the qualified interest rate management agreement relates to debt of the state or to a lease or installment purchase contract, the obligations of the state party contained in such qualified interest rate management agreement may renew from fiscal year to fiscal year and may provide for the payment of any fee related to a termination or a nonrenewal, so long as the following requirements are satisfied: (A) Such qualified interest rate management agreement shall terminate absolutely at the close of the fiscal year in which it was executed and at the close of each succeeding fiscal year for which it may be renewed;(B) Any renewal of such qualified interest rate management agreement shall require positive action taken by the state party or in such other manner not otherwise prohibited by law which method of renewal and termination, in either case, shall be specified in the qualified interest rate management agreement; and(C) Such qualified interest rate management agreement shall include a statement of the total obligation of the state party for the fiscal year of execution and, if renewed, for the fiscal year of renewal. A qualified interest rate management agreement meeting the requirements of this paragraph may also provide that the state's obligations will terminate immediately and absolutely at such time as appropriated and other funds encumbered for payment by the state pursuant to the terms of such qualified interest rate management agreement are no longer available to satisfy such obligations. The total obligation of the state for the fiscal year payable pursuant to a qualified interest rate management agreement may be stated in contingent but objective terms with respect to variable rate payments or termination payments, but in that event a qualified interest rate management agreement must provide that it will terminate immediately and absolutely at such time as appropriated and other funds encumbered for its payment are no longer available to satisfy the obligations of the state under such agreement. A qualified interest rate management agreement executed under this paragraph shall not be deemed to create a debt of the state or otherwise obligate the payment of any sum beyond the fiscal year of execution or, in the event of a renewal, beyond the fiscal year of such renewal. When a qualified interest rate management agreement is executed under this paragraph or paragraph (1) of this subsection, the obligation of the state may be treated as an operating expense of the commission within the meaning of Paragraph VII of Section IV of Article VII of the Constitution and within the meaning of paragraph (2) of subsection (g) of Code Section 50-17-22 and of subsection (b) of Code Section 50-17-27.
(e)(1) The obligations of a state party to pay a counterparty under a qualified interest rate management agreement with respect to debt may be paid from any lawful source, to the extent not otherwise prohibited, limited, or impractical and consistent with any tax exempt status of the related debt and in compliance with Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 12 of Title 45, the "Budget Act," including without limitation, as to the state, proceeds of general obligation debt, earnings on investments of proceeds of general obligation debt, appropriations of state and federal funds, and agency funds; and, as to any state authority, any funds of such state authority to the extent not otherwise prohibited, limited, or impractical and consistent with any tax exempt status of the related debt.(2) The obligations of a state party to pay a counterparty under a qualified interest rate management agreement with respect to a lease or installment purchase contract may be paid from any lawful source, to the extent not otherwise prohibited, limited, or impractical and consistent with any tax-exempt status of the related lease or installment purchase agreement and in compliance with Part 1 of Article 4 of Chapter 12 of Title 45, the "Budget Act," including without limitation appropriations of state and federal funds and agency funds.(f)(1) With respect to obligations of a state authority to pay a counterparty, any qualified interest rate management agreement of a state authority may provide that it is an unconditional, limited recourse obligation of such state authority payable from a specified revenue source.(2) A state authority may, in any qualified interest rate management agreement that constitutes a limited recourse obligation of the state authority, pledge to the punctual payment of amounts due under the qualified interest rate management agreement revenues from a specified revenue source, which shall not include any taxes, including without limitation collateral derived from such revenue source or proceeds of the debt, including debt for future delivery, to which such qualified interest rate management agreement relates.(3) A qualified interest rate management agreement that constitutes a limited recourse obligation shall not be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the revenue identified as the source of payment thereof, nor shall the state authority entering into the same be subject to any pecuniary liability thereon. No counterparty under any such qualified interest rate management agreement shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the state or the state authority to pay any amount due under any such qualified interest rate management agreement, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the state or state authority, other than the specified revenue source; nor shall any such qualified interest rate management agreement constitute a charge, lien, or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the state or state authority, other than the specified revenue source. Every such qualified interest rate management agreement shall contain a recital setting forth the substance of this paragraph.(g)(1) The commission shall act for the state with respect to debt of the state and a qualified interest rate management agreement. However, upon authorization of the Governor, the Office of the State Treasurer shall act as fiscal agent or provide other administrative services.(2) A state authority shall act for itself with respect to an interest rate management plan, a qualified interest rate management agreement, and an independent financial adviser regarding the debt of the state authority subject, however, to the guidelines, rules, and regulations of the commission under subsection (a) of this Code section. Further, the interest rate management plan, a qualified interest rate management agreement, and retention of an independent financial adviser will be treated as financial advisory matters within the exclusive authority and jurisdiction of the commission under paragraph (1) of subsection (f) of Code Section 50-17-22 and will require specific commission approval, unless the commission otherwise directs in either the specific case or in general terms. Upon authorization of the Governor, the Office of the State Treasurer shall act as fiscal agent or provide other administrative services for a qualified interest rate management agreement of the state authority.(3) The agency responsible for payment shall act for the state with respect to a lease or installment purchase contract but only under the supervision and approval of the commission. Upon authorization of the Governor, the Office of the State Treasurer shall act as fiscal agent or provide other administrative services.Amended by 2010 Ga. Laws 621,§ 2, eff. 7/1/2010.Amended by 2006 Ga. Laws 453,§ 50, eff. 4/14/2006.Added by 2005 Ga. Laws 129,§ 2, eff. 5/2/2005.