Section 50-16-181 - Creation; membership; officers; quorum; voting requirements; call, notice, and minutes or transcripts of meetings; seal; bylaws; expenses(a) There is created the State Commission on the Condemnation of Public Property consisting of the Governor, ex officio; Lieutenant Governor, ex officio; Secretary of State, ex officio; Commissioner of Agriculture, ex officio; Commissioner of Insurance, ex officio; state auditor, ex officio; and the Commissioner of Labor, ex officio.(b) The Governor shall be the chairman of the commission and the Lieutenant Governor shall be the vice-chairman. Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. No vacancy on the commission shall impair the right of the quorum to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the commission. With the sole exception of approving the condemnation of public property, which approval shall require four affirmative votes of the membership of the commission present and voting at any meeting, the business, powers, and duties of the commission may be transacted, exercised, and performed by a majority vote of the commission members present and voting at a meeting when more than a quorum is present and voting or by a majority vote of a quorum when only a quorum is present and voting at a meeting. An abstention in voting shall be considered as that member not being present and not voting in the matter on which the vote is taken.(c) Meetings shall be held on the call of the chairman, vice-chairman, or two commission members whenever necessary to the performance of the duties of the commission. Minutes or transcripts shall be kept of all meetings of the commission. Each commission member shall be given, not less than three days prior to the meeting, written notice of the date, time, and place of each meeting of the commission.(d) The commission shall adopt a seal for its use and may adopt bylaws for its internal government and procedures.(e) Members of the commission shall receive only their traveling and other actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as commission members.