- Section 49-5-1 - Short title
- Section 49-5-2 - Purpose of article
- Section 49-5-3 - Definitions
- Section 49-5-4 - Other state departments, agencies, officers, and employees to assist department
- Section 49-5-4.1 - Child welfare agency public scorecard established
- Section 49-5-5 - Powers and duties of board; rules and regulations for training schools and other facilities
- Section 49-5-6 - Merit system to conform to federal standards; power to employ and contract for professional services; employment and dismissal procedures; membership in state retirement system
- Section 49-5-7 - Development and administration of public child welfare and youth services
- Section 49-5-8 - Powers and duties of department
- Section 49-5-8.1 - Short-term respite care of child in foster care; reasonable and prudent parent standard
- Section 49-5-9 - Use of public and private institutions and agencies; inspections; examination and control of children not in department's facilities
- Section 49-5-10 - [Repealed] Commitment of delinquent or unruly children to department; procedures; handling and treatment; escape and apprehension; release; termination of control
- Section 49-5-10.1 - [Repealed] Temporary transfer of at-risk unruly or delinquent children to Department of Corrections; procedure; review; discharge
- Section 49-5-11 - [Repealed] Escape from a youth detention center
- Section 49-5-12 - Licensing and inspection of child welfare agencies; standards; revocation or refusal of license; penalties; violations
- Section 49-5-12.1 - Penalties for violation of child welfare agency laws and regulations
- Section 49-5-12.2 - Immunity from liability
- Section 49-5-12.3 - Annual inspection of child welfare agency
- Section 49-5-13 - Private child care learning centers not required to meet federal adult-child ratio
- Section 49-5-14 - [Repealed] Fire inspections of day-care homes and centers; fire safety codes
- Section 49-5-15 - Notice as to child brought into state for placement or adoption; bond; certificate as to foster home; reports
- Section 49-5-16 - Power of department to contract; acceptance of children from federal courts for compensation
- Section 49-5-17 - Power of department to accept and use gifts
- Section 49-5-18 - Instituting or intervening in legal proceedings
- Section 49-5-19 - Annual report on children and youth services
- Section 49-5-20 - Existing charters of charitable institutions
- Section 49-5-21 - Penalties for aiding, harboring, or encouraging escapees or hindering their apprehension
- Section 49-5-22 - Voluntary pre-kindergarten programs to provide toilet facilities screened for privacy
- Section 49-5-23 - Obtaining information on recall notices
- Section 49-5-24 - Implementation of state-wide system for data sharing; waivers from certain federal regulations
- Section 49-5-25 - Maternity supportive housing residences; registration; requirements