Section 4-4-113 - Licensing and bonding requirements generally(a) No livestock market operator engaged in the sale of equines shall engage in or carry on such business without first applying for and obtaining a license from the Commissioner; no equine dealer or broker who buys or sells through a livestock market operator shall engage in or carry on such business without first applying for and obtaining a license from the Commissioner, provided that such licenses shall be permanent until canceled, suspended, revoked, or surrendered; such licenses shall be nontransferable and free of charge. Any person, firm, or corporation commencing operation of a new sales establishment for the sale of equines at auction and any dealer or broker commencing such a business shall, prior to obtaining a license, post a bond as required by this Code section. The provisions of this Code section requiring the posting of a bond shall not apply to any authorized agent of a person, firm, or corporation having posted the bond required by this Code section, when such agent is acting for and on behalf of such principal.(b) No person shall operate a sales establishment for the sale of equines at auction unless he has then in force a bond in an amount calculated as follows: (1) If the annual sales of the establishment are $2,600,000.00 or less, the amount of the bond shall be one fifty-second of the amount of annual sales but not less than $10,000.00;(2) If the annual sales of the establishment are more than $2,600,000.00, the amount of the bond shall be $50,000.00 plus one fifty-second of the amount of annual sales in excess of $2,600,000.00 times a factor of 0.20; or(3) An amount calculated under paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection, if not a multiple of $5,000.00, shall be rounded to the nearest higher multiple of $5,000.00.(c) No dealer or broker shall purchase equines at any sales establishment or directly from producers unless he has then in force a bond in an amount calculated as follows: (1) Determine a number which is the number of days during the preceding year on which the dealer or broker did business;(2) Divide the total dollar value of livestock purchased by the dealer or broker during the preceding year by the lesser of: (A) One-half of the number determined under paragraph (1) of this subsection; or(3) Adjust the amount obtained under paragraph (2) of this subsection as follows: (A) If the amount obtained under paragraph (2) of this subsection is $10,000.00 or less then the amount of the bond shall be $10,000.00;(B) If the amount obtained under paragraph (2) of this subsection is more than $10,000.00 but not more than $75,000.00 then that amount shall be the amount of the bond; or(C) If the amount obtained under paragraph (2) of this subsection is more than $75,000.00 then the amount of the bond shall be the sum of $75,000.00 plus 10 percent of the amount by which the amount obtained under paragraph (2) of this subsection exceeds $75,000.00; and(4) An amount calculated under paragraph (3) of this subsection, if not a multiple of $5,000.00, shall be rounded up to the nearest multiple of $5,000.00.(d) Any equine dealer, broker, or sales establishment operator who would otherwise be required by this Code section to post a bond and who has posted a current livestock dealer's, broker's, or sales establishment's bond under Chapter 6 of this title shall not be required to post any bond under this Code section if such livestock dealer's, broker's, or sales establishment's bond, in addition to meeting all requirements of Chapter 6 of this title, meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of Code Section 4-4-111.(e) In calculating amounts of bonds under this Code section, the total amount of annual sales or annual purchases for the preceding calendar year shall be used; but, if an applicant for a license does not have an annual sales history, the Commissioner shall estimate the amount of annual sales or annual purchases which will occur.(f)(1) As used in this subsection, the term "special sale" means any sale of equines, except a regular sale at an establishment and any sale by a farmer of equines owned by the farmer, with payment made directly to the farmer.(2) The Commissioner is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of special sales. No person shall hold a special sale without obtaining a permit therefor from the Commissioner or his duly authorized representative, which shall be granted without charge upon submission of proof satisfactory to the Commissioner that the person applying for the permit is bonded in an amount equal to one-fourth of the anticipated proceeds of the sale; provided, however, such bond shall be not less than $10,000.00 and not more than $150,000.00 in amount.(3) Associations holding sales of equines consigned by members of the association only shall not be required to procure a bond if the directors of the association accept full responsibility for financial obligations of sale and release the Commissioner, in writing, from any responsibility.