Section 4-4-111 - DefinitionsAs used in this article, the term:
(1) "Bond" means a written instrument, issued or executed by a bonding, surety, or insurance company licensed to do business in this state, guaranteeing that the person bonded shall faithfully fulfill the terms of the contract of purchase and guarantee the payment of the purchase price of all equines purchased by him, made payable to the Commissioner for the benefit of persons sustaining loss resulting from the nonpayment of the purchase price or the failure to fulfill the terms of the contract of purchase.(2) "Dealer" or "broker" means any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of buying equines of any kind for resale or in selling equines of any kind bought for the purpose of resale or in buying equines of any kind for slaughter; and every agent acting for or on behalf of any dealer or broker or livestock market operator is, for the purpose of this article, a dealer or broker; provided, however, that any persons acquiring equines for the purpose of using them as a part of their operations or for pleasure only are exempt from the definition herein applicable to dealer or broker.(3) "Equine" includes horses, mules, asses, and any other members of the Equidae species.(4) "Livestock market operator" means any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of operating public auctions or sales of equines or of operating barns and yards for the containment of equines held for the purpose of auction or sale.(5) "Special sale" means any sale by a dealer, broker, or livestock market operator held at a time other than a regularly scheduled time; provided, however, that any sale by any individual of his own entire stock of equines or part thereof on his own premises shall not be considered a special sale.