Section 31-7-72 - Creation of hospital authority in each county and municipality(a) There is created in and for each county and municipal corporation of the state a public body corporate and politic to be known as the "hospital authority" of such county or city, which shall consist of a board of not less than five nor more than nine members to be appointed by the governing body of the county or municipal corporation of the area of operation for staggered terms as specified by resolution of the governing body. The number of members of any hospital authority as of March 1, 1984, may be increased by not more than two additional members by the adoption of a resolution of the members of the hospital authority, and such additional members shall be appointed through the same process used for filling vacancies which was in effect for such hospital authority on January 1, 1984. Whenever an appointment to fill a vacancy on the board of any hospital authority is made, either for an unexpired term or a full term, consideration shall be given as to whether a licensed doctor of medicine or registered nurse currently serves on such authority. If no licensed doctor of medicine or registered nurse currently serves on such authority, then consideration shall be given to the nomination and choice of a licensed doctor of medicine or a registered nurse to fill such vacancy. No authority created under this Code section shall transact any business or exercise any powers under this Code section until the governing body of the area of operation shall, by proper resolution, declare that there is need for an authority to function in such county or municipal corporation. Copies of a resolution so adopted and any resolution adopted by the governing body providing for filling vacancies in the membership of the authority or making any changes in membership shall be filed with the department.(b) Appointments to fill vacancies on the board of any hospital authority activated on or after March 15, 1964, for either an unexpired or full term as fixed in the original resolution or ordinance creating the authority, shall be made as follows: (1) The governing body of the area of operation shall submit a list of three eligible persons to the board of the hospital authority; and(2) The board at its next regular meeting shall select one of the three persons named in such list.(c) Appointments to fill vacancies for either an unexpired or full term on the boards of all hospital authorities in existence prior to March 15, 1964, shall be governed by the terms of a resolution adopted prescribing the manner by which vacancies are filled, unless changed by local legislation or constitutional amendment.(d)(1) Any two or more counties or any two or more municipalities or any county or municipality, or a combination of any county and any municipality, by a like resolution or ordinance of their respective governing bodies, may authorize the exercise of the powers provided for in this article by an authority. The membership of such authority affected by like resolutions of the respective governing bodies of any two or more of the governing bodies of the participating units shall be not less than five nor more than 15 members, the terms and distribution of members between the participating units to be provided for by the resolutions adopted by the governing bodies of the participating units, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection. The resolutions of the governing bodies of participating units acting together for the creation of an authority may be amended by the governing bodies of the participating units from time to time. Where the governing bodies of participating units have acted together for the creation of an authority under this subsection and where at least one of those participating units is a county having a population of 35,000 or less according to the United States decennial census of 1990 or any future such census, the method of filling vacancies upon such authority may be changed only by local Act of the General Assembly and, when so changed, shall be governed by that local Act.(2)(A) On and after July 1, 2021, no person shall serve as a member of a hospital authority for more than three consecutive terms, or 12 years, whichever is longer.(B) This paragraph shall only apply to joint hospital authorities established pursuant to this subsection which operate or lease a hospital containing more than 900 licensed beds.(e)(1) Nothing in this Code section is intended to invalidate any of the acts of existing boards of authorities. Hospital authorities shall be granted the same exemptions and exclusions from taxes as are now granted to cities and counties for the operation of facilities similar to facilities to be operated by hospital authorities as provided for under this title.(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection or any other law to the contrary, any real property in which 50 percent or more of the floor space thereof, excluding halls, corridors, and public spaces, is rented or leased by persons, firms, or corporations engaged in or conducting a private for profit business or profession owned by a hospital authority which is located in a county having a population of 50,000 or more according to the United States decennial census of 1990 or any future such census or owned by any subsidiary or affiliate thereof and which hospital authority or subsidiary or affiliate thereof operates a hospital containing more than 100 beds, shall be subject to all state, county, and municipal ad valorem taxes in the same manner as other private property.(f) The project or projects of an authority created by two or more counties, or two or more municipalities, or a combination of any county and any municipality may be located outside of the area of the sponsor's operation when it is determined by the trustees that this will best serve the purposes of the facility and provided it is located within the area of service and within 12 miles of the hospital location or within 12 miles of the sponsoring county or municipality, whichever is farther.(g) Hospital authorities created pursuant to this Code section shall have perpetual existence.Amended by 2024 Ga. Laws 427,§ 2, eff. 4/22/2024.Amended by 2021 Ga. Laws 274,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2021.