Chapter 5 - WILD ANIMALS
- Section 27-5-1 - Legislative intent and findings
- Section 27-5-2 - Powers of board generally
- Section 27-5-2.1 - Importation restrictions; prohibition on possession of cervid carcasses
- Section 27-5-3 - Powers of department generally
- Section 27-5-4 - Wild animal licenses and permits generally
- Section 27-5-5 - Wild animals for which license or permit required
- Section 27-5-6 - Specifications for humane handling, care, confinement, and transportation of wild animals
- Section 27-5-7 - Release or escape from captivity
- Section 27-5-8 - Seizure of wild animals as contraband; civil action to recover animals
- Section 27-5-9 - Seizure of wild animals pursuant to administrative order; appeal
- Section 27-5-10 - Disposal of wild animals recaptured after escape or seized under this title
- Section 27-5-11 - Wild animal auction license; applications; filing requirements
- Section 27-5-12 - Shooting of any wild animal held under wild animal permit or farmed deer