Section 12-15-21 - Removal of commercial waste in clean and sanitary fashion; registration of waste transporter; disposal; manifest system; penalty for violations(a)(1) Removal of commercial waste from any grease interceptor, sand trap, oil-water separator, or grit trap that is not connected to an on-site sewage management system for the purpose of transporting such waste to a disposal site shall be accomplished in a clean and sanitary manner by means of a vacuum hose or pump that shall remove the entire contents of the holding tank or pretreatment system being serviced; and such waste removed shall be received, unmingled with any hazardous waste or septic waste, into a leakproof tank truck approved and permitted for such service as provided by paragraph (2) of this subsection. Any commercial waste spilled, leaked, discharged, or otherwise released or removed from a grease interceptor, sand trap, oil-water separator, or grit trap that is not connected to an on-site sewage management system to any location other than a licensed leakproof tank truck shall be deemed a violation of this Code section.(2) Any transporter shall register with the division or the local governing authority or its designee of any county or municipality in this state in which the transporter receives or disposes of commercial waste, and registration with the division or any such local governing authority shall be valid for operation throughout the state. Such registration shall be made on a standard form prescribed by rule or regulation of the department.(3) Any commercial waste tank truck which receives or disposes of commercial waste in this state shall be inspected and permitted annually for purposes of compliance with the requirements of this subsection by the local governing authority or its designee of any county or municipality in this state in which the tank truck receives or disposes of commercial waste, and a single permit issued by any such local governing authority shall be valid for operation of such truck throughout the state. Such permit shall be on a standard form prescribed by rule or regulation of the department. The permit applicant shall be required to identify the facilities at which waste carried by such truck will be disposed, and such facilities shall be identified on and be a condition of such permit. For any transporter, the amount of such annual permit fee shall be $250.00 for the first truck and $100.00 for each additional truck.(b) Commercial waste vacuumed or pumped from any grease interceptor, sand trap, oil-water separator, or grit trap that is not connected to an on-site sewage management system and which waste is carried by tank trucks and disposed therefrom in this state shall be disposed only at a facility which is authorized by law to receive and process such waste. No person shall dispose of commercial waste from a tank truck at any location in this state other than the place inside the property boundaries designated for such waste by the authorized facility's owner.(c) Any originator in this state, transporter, or disposal site operator in this state of any load of commercial waste vacuumed or pumped from any grease interceptor, sand trap, oil-water separator, or grit trap that is not connected to an on-site sewage management system shall be each responsible for maintaining a manifest system for such load of commercial waste, and the transporter shall certify on its manifest that such load of commercial waste is disposed in accordance with subsection (b) of this Code section or in accordance with the law of such other state in which it is disposed. The forms for such manifests shall be prescribed by rule or regulation of the department. Such manifests shall be maintained at the principal places of business of the originator, transporter, and disposal site operator for not less than three years from the date of waste removal, transport, or disposal; except that the transporter's manifests covering not less than the immediately preceding 30 day period for a particular truck shall be kept in the transporter's tank truck at all times when operating in this state. Such manifests shall be made available at any time for inspection by the division or any local governing authority or the designee thereof.(d) Any person who violates any provision of this article, the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this article, or any permit condition or limitation established pursuant to this article shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500.00 per violation. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this article, notwithstanding any provision in Code Section 36-35-6, any other provision of law, or any municipal charter to the contrary, municipal courts shall have jurisdiction in cases of violations committed within municipalities and shall be authorized to impose a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500.00 for each violation. Magistrate courts shall have jurisdiction in cases of violations of this article committed within unincorporated areas of counties and shall be authorized to impose a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500.00 for each violation.Added by 2004 Ga. Laws 474, § 3, eff. 7/1/2004.