- Section 9-3-1 - Created; composition; qualifications, appointment and terms of office of members
- Section 9-3-2 - Officers; meetings; quorum; record of proceedings; compensation and expenses of members
- Section 9-3-3 - Vacancies
- Section 9-3-4 - Powers and duties generally
- Section 9-3-5 - State forester
- Section 9-3-6 - Assistant State Forester
- Section 9-3-7 - Offices
- Section 9-3-8 - Members of commission not eligible for certain employments
- Section 9-3-9 - Promulgation of rules and regulations
- Section 9-3-10 - Alabama Forestry Commission Fund
- Section 9-3-10.1 - Emergency Forest Fire, Insect and Disease Fund; creation; annual automatic appropriation; ceiling on amount; expenditures; replenishment; Governor's approval
- Section 9-3-10.2 - Rural Logging Efficiency
- Section 9-3-11 - Steering committee to represent rural community fire departments - Creation
- Section 9-3-12 - Steering committee to represent rural community fire departments - Membership; appointment, qualifications and term of office of members; filling of vacancies in office
- Section 9-3-13 - Steering committee to represent rural community fire departments - Recommendations to State Forester
- Section 9-3-14 - Steering committee to represent rural community fire departments - Meetings; quorum
- Section 9-3-15 - Steering committee to represent rural community fire departments - Compensation and expenses of members
- Section 9-3-16 - Advisory committee on general forestry matters
- Section 9-3-17 - Certification as volunteer fire department
- Section 9-3-18 - Public governmental entities, political subdivisions, etc., authorized to make donations to organizations deemed public in nature
- Section 9-3-18.1 - Definitions; authorizing purchases
- Section 9-3-19 - Donation of fire control property
- Section 9-3-20 - Exemption of timber lands from local fire district service charges and fees; jurisdiction of Alabama Forestry Commission
- Section 9-3-21 - Rural and Community Fire Protection Development and Improvement grant program
- Section 9-3-22 - Authority of State Forester to sell surplus personal property