Ala. Code § 41-23-50
There is hereby appropriated from the State General Fund to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for the 1990-91 fiscal year the sum of $500,000 to be used to create and establish throughout this state several economic development revolving loan funds from which the several existing regional planning and development commissions, as defined in Articles 4 and 5 of Chapter 85 of Title 11, may disperse moneys, from time to time, to finance local economic development projects. These funds shall be distributed by the Department of Economic and Community Affairs to qualifying regional planning commissions for disbursement. The Department of Economic and Community Affairs shall establish such policies and procedures as may be deemed necessary as to insure accountability of funds in relation to state statutes and federal programs to which these funds may be pledged as required match. Such policies and procedures will be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee herein established by this article. Moneys borrowed from such revolving loan funds may be combined with or used to facilitate access to either federal funds or foundation grants or loans or to leverage private sector financing that may be available for initial or "seed" capital, long or short term fixed asset or equipment loans or working capital for local economic development projects for improving, developing, or financing new, existing, or expanding business or industry to preserve or create employment. Such borrowed moneys shall be loaned and repaid under such rules, regulations, and conditions as prescribed by Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs and approved, from time to time, by the Regional Revolving Loan Policy Committee provided for in Section 41-23-51. Principal and interest payments to the economic development revolving loan funds shall be retained by the respective economic development revolving loan funds for local economic development. Reasonable administrative costs for servicing such loans and for the administration of the respective economic development revolving loan funds may be paid from fees, charges and interest on the loans and from available balances.
Ala. Code § 41-23-50 (1975)