Section 40-17-223 - Distribution of tax proceeds derived from lubricating oilAll revenues received or collected by the Department of Revenue upon the selling, use or consumption, distributing, storing, or withdrawing from storage in this state of lubricating oil remaining after the payment of the expense of administration and enforcement of this article are hereby allocated and appropriated in the following manner:
(1) Forty-five percent of the net tax proceeds is hereby allocated and appropriated for state highway purposes and as the state's share of the net tax proceeds to be covered into the State Treasury to the credit of the Public Road and Bridge Fund and disbursed as provided in this article.(2) Fifty-five percent of the net tax proceeds is hereby allocated and appropriated to be used for highway purposes by the counties and municipalities to be covered into the State Treasury and disbursed and allocated as hereinafter provided in this section.a. A portion of the local subdivisions' share of the net tax proceeds that is equal to 25 percent of the net tax proceeds shall be allocated equally among the 67 counties of the state.b. The entire residue of the local subdivisions' share of the net tax proceeds, being an amount equal to 30 percent of the net tax proceeds shall be allocated among the 67 counties of the state on the basis of the ratio of the population of each county to the total population of the state according to the then next preceding federal decennial census, or any special federal census heretofore held in any county subsequent to the effective date of the 1970 Federal Decennial Census. The allocation provided for in this subsection shall be made on or prior to the tenth day of each month with respect to receipts of the lubricating oil tax by the state during the preceding month.c. The distributions provided for in this subdivision shall be made monthly. The amounts allocated or apportioned to each county shall be disposed of as follows:1. Ten percent of the amount so allocated or apportioned to each county shall be distributed among the municipalities in the county with respect to which the allocation or apportionment is made, each distribution among the municipalities to be made on the basis of the ratio of the population of each municipality to the total population of all municipalities in the applicable county according to the then next preceding federal decennial census; and2. The remaining portion of the amount so allocated or apportioned to each county shall be distributed to the county with respect to which the allocation or apportionment is made.d. The population of any municipality incorporated subsequent to the taking of the then next preceding federal decennial census shall be deemed to be the population shown by the census for that municipality taken pursuant to the requirements of Section 11-41-4. Any municipality incorporated after September 30, 1978 shall not participate in the distribution provided for in this section until the fiscal year next succeeding the fiscal year during which it is incorporated, the first distribution to that municipality to be made in respect of receipts of the lubricating oil tax by the state during October of the fiscal year next succeeding its incorporation.e. When requested to do so by any municipality, the Department of Transportation may at its discretion make available the services and advice of its engineers and other employees with respect to any work for which that municipality proposes to expend moneys distributed to it under this subdivision. Any services and advice that may be so made available shall be provided under the terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable to the Department of Transportation and the municipality.Ala. Code § 40-17-223 (1975)
Amended by Act 2011-565,§ 44, eff. 10/1/2012.Acts 1980, No. 80-427, p. 590, §4.