- Section 40-12-240 - Definitions
- Section 40-12-241 - Station wagons, jeeps, etc., classified as passenger automobiles
- Section 40-12-242 - License taxes and registration fees - Private passenger automobiles and motorcycles; electric vehicles; Electric Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program
- Section 40-12-242.1 - License taxes and registration fees-Allocation of proceeds from certain taxes and fees
- Section 40-12-242.2 - License taxes and registration fees; Electric low-speed vehicles
- Section 40-12-243 - License taxes and registration fees - Exemption of private passenger vehicles of foreign consuls; special plates for such vehicles
- Section 40-12-244 - License tags and registration fees - Exemption for members of armed forces, etc
- Section 40-12-245.1 - License taxes and registration fees - Vehicles designed and constructed for transport of raw cotton from harvest to cotton gin
- Section 40-12-246 - License taxes and registration fees - Motor buses or motor vehicles transporting passengers for hire
- Section 40-12-246.1 - License tax and registration fees - Exemption for motor bus passenger carrier vehicles; special license
- Section 40-12-247 - License taxes and registration fees - Hearses and ambulances
- Section 40-12-248 - License taxes and registration fees - Trucks or truck tractors - Generally
- Section 40-12-249 - License taxes and registration fees - Trucks or truck tractors - Change in gross vehicle weight allowance or in use of vehicle
- Section 40-12-250 - Tags for motor vehicles used by state, etc
- Section 40-12-251 - Motor tractors
- Section 40-12-252 - Basis of tax for trailers; permanent license plate
- Section 40-12-253 - Ad valorem taxation of motor vehicles
- Section 40-12-254 - Motor vehicles issued to disabled veterans; fees
- Section 40-12-255 - Manufactured homes
- Section 40-12-256 - Travel trailers - Ad valorem taxation - Generally
- Section 40-12-257 - Citations for noncompliance with Sections 40-12-255 and 40-12-256
- Section 40-12-258 - Reregistration of certain stored motor vehicles; placement of license tags
- Section 40-12-259 - Computation and payment of license tax and registration fee
- Section 40-12-260 - Transfer of license plates; registration procedures; receipts; penalty
- Section 40-12-262 - Effect of provisions relative to registration and display of tags on nonresidents; international registration plan; temporary trip permit; penalties
- Section 40-12-263 - Registration of certain commercial vehicles owned by nonresidents prohibited
- Section 40-12-264 - Time limit for purchase of tags or plates; dealer plates; manufacturer plates
- Section 40-12-265 - Mutilation or alteration of tags; replacement tags; use of improper tags
- Section 40-12-267 - [Repealed]
- Section 40-12-268 - Other taxes precluded
- Section 40-12-269 - Remittance of moneys and certification of lists of motor vehicles by probate judge
- Section 40-12-270 - Disbursement of net proceeds from license taxes and registration fees; Secondary Road Committee created
- Section 40-12-271 - Fee of probate judge or county license commissioner for issuing license
- Section 40-12-271.1 - Disabled veteran exemption from license plate issuance fee
- Section 40-12-272 - Rules and regulations for enforcement of Sections 40-12-260, 40-12-261, and 40-12-266
- Section 40-12-273 - Increase in license tax and registration fee authorized
- Section 40-12-274 - Disposition of additional fees collected pursuant to Section 40-12-274
- Section 40-12-275 - Review of personalized license plates issued under this chapter and Chapter 6 of Title 32; appeals