Article 2 - 1985 ACT
- Section 37-14-30 - Declaration of findings and policy; relationship to 1984 act
- Section 37-14-31 - Definitions
- Section 37-14-32 - Electric service outside existing municipal limits
- Section 37-14-33 - Retail electric service within municipalities
- Section 37-14-34 - Resolution of disputes as to sales or purchases of facilities
- Section 37-14-35 - Applicability of certain provisions of Title 37
- Section 37-14-36 - Special rules for elimination of duplication
- Section 37-14-37 - Provision of retail electric service in violation of article
- Section 37-14-38 - Validation procedure; authorization for validation of provisions of article
- Section 37-14-39 - Effect of any ruling of invalidity
- Section 37-14-40 - Repealer; actions taken pursuant to inconsistent provisions