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- Section 36-26-2 - Definitions
- Section 36-26-3 - Purposes of article
- Section 36-26-4 - State Personnel Department created; composition; executive head; offices
- Section 36-26-5 - State Personnel Board - Composition; appointment, qualifications, terms of office, removal and compensation of members; procedure for electing classified employee member
- Section 36-26-6 - State Personnel Board - Meetings; powers and duties generally
- Section 36-26-7 - Director of personnel - Appointment; qualifications; salary; removal
- Section 36-26-8 - Director of personnel - Executive head of department; powers and duties generally; agreements with political subdivisions of state; cooperation with other governmental agencies
- Section 36-26-9 - Promulgation, etc., of rules for implementation of provisions of article
- Section 36-26-10 - Exempt, unclassified and classified service defined; extension of provisions of article to additional positions, etc.; applicability of rules and regulations of employment to employees in classified and unclassified service
- Section 36-26-11 - Classification of positions, etc., in state service
- Section 36-26-11.1 - State Personnel Director to regularly assess employment requirements for positions
- Section 36-26-12 - Preparation, etc., of pay plan for employees in state service
- Section 36-26-13 - Certification of payrolls, etc., for payment of state employees; actions to recover moneys improperly paid, restrain improper payments, etc
- Section 36-26-14 - Deferred compensation plans for certain employees
- Section 36-26-15 - Tests for establishment of employment registers for positions in classified service; preferences for veterans, etc.; cooperation of board with federal government, etc., in establishing and administering standards of personnel qualifications, pay plans, etc
- Section 36-26-15.1 - Proof of registration required for employment or school enrollment
- Section 36-26-16 - Certification for employment of handicapped persons
- Section 36-26-17 - Manner of filling of vacancies in classified service generally; appointments in classified service generally
- Section 36-26-18 - Extraordinary appointments
- Section 36-26-19 - Adoption, etc., of procedures for filling of unskilled, semiskilled, domestic, etc., positions
- Section 36-26-20 - Employee training programs
- Section 36-26-21 - Working test period for employees; removal during test period; notification as to continuation of employee in position prior to expiration of test period; restoration to eligibility, etc., list of employees removed during or at expiration of test period
- Section 36-26-22 - Establishment, etc., of standards of performance and output and service ratings for employees; reporting and inspection of service ratings of employees
- Section 36-26-23 - Promotions
- Section 36-26-24 - Transfers
- Section 36-26-25 - Demotions
- Section 36-26-26 - Layoffs; furloughs
- Section 36-26-27 - Dismissals and disciplining of employees generally
- Section 36-26-27.1 - Placement of disciplinary documents in the personnel file of a state employee
- Section 36-26-28 - Suspensions
- Section 36-26-29 - Limitation period for charges for dismissal or disciplinary action
- Section 36-26-30 - Effect of entry, etc., into active service of United States Armed Forces upon status of classified employees
- Section 36-26-31 - Granting of leave of absence for service in Armed Forces of United States
- Section 36-26-32 - Restoration of employee to former position after service in armed forces
- Section 36-26-32.1 - Restoration to merit or civil service classification after acceptance of nonmerit appointment; conditions; effect on other employees
- Section 36-26-33 - Rights and privileges upon entry, etc., into military service of employees not in classified service
- Section 36-26-34 - Granting, etc., of time off to comply with religious obligations
- Section 36-26-35 - Annual leave
- Section 36-26-35.1 - Annual leave carry over limit increased for certain personnel
- Section 36-26-35.2 - Annual leave
- Section 36-26-36 - Partial payment of accrued sick leave at time of retirement or death; calculation, accumulation, and use of sick leave
- Section 36-26-36.1 - Conversion of unused sick leave into membership service for retirement purposes
- Section 36-26-36.2 - Donation of leave; implementation
- Section 36-26-36.3 - Bereavement leave
- Section 36-26-36.4 - Paid leave for state employees subpoenaed, etc., to attend certain criminal homicide trials
- Section 36-26-37 - Design, purchase and awarding of longevity service recognition pins, etc., for state departments and agencies
- Section 36-26-38 - Political activities prohibited
- Section 36-26-39 - Offenses as to testing, certification, appointment, etc., for positions in classified service, etc
- Section 36-26-40 - Studies and reports by director; investigations and hearings as to compliance with provisions of article, etc., generally
- Section 36-26-41 - Failure of witnesses to appear and testify, etc., at investigations or hearings; fees of witnesses; requirement of appearance, etc., of witnesses, etc., before board; giving of false testimony under oath
- Section 36-26-42 - Representation of department in judicial proceedings
- Section 36-26-43 - Use of state, county, etc., buildings for examinations and investigations, etc
- Section 36-26-44 - Inspection of records of department
- Section 36-26-45 - Payment of expenses of department
- Section 36-26-46 - State Capitol guides classified as "Capitol Hostesses."
- Section 36-26-47 - Penalties for violations of provisions of article
- Section 36-26-48 - Lump-sum merit reward payments for certain full-time state employees