Section 31-1-3 - Revolving fund for payment of operating and maintaining quarters; funding; annual budget; using profits to upgrade facilities; deposit of funds(a) There is hereby created in the State Military Department a revolving fund for the payment of operating and maintaining quarters at Alabama National Guard training sites for senior officers and enlisted personnel.(b) There is hereby appropriated and allocated to the State Military Department for the revolving fund a one-time sum of $25,000.00 from the State General Fund for payment of salaries, janitorial supplies, equipment, furnishings, and other essential expenses to operate, maintain, and enhance billeting facilities for troops utilizing the training site facilities.(c) The $25,000.00 herein appropriated and allocated shall be designated as the Military Department Billeting Revolving Fund and shall be used only for the purpose of providing services, supplies, equipment and furnishings necessary to operate, maintain, and enhance the senior officer and enlisted quarters at such training sites, and that the revolving fund shall, upon proper billing, be reimbursed by payments made thereto for use of the facilities by military members in accordance with applicable federal regulations and procedures promulgated and prescribed by the Adjutant General.(d) The revolving fund hereby created shall remain in operation from year to year and shall be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of providing a method of payment for expenses associated with the operation, maintenance and enhancement of billeting facilities at Alabama National Guard training sites. Funds over and above those required for operating and maintaining the facilities may be used to procure equipment and furnishings to enhance the appearance and upgrade the facility. The Military Department Billeting Revolving Fund shall file with the state Executive Budget Office an annual billeting revolving fund budget; however, profits above necessary operating and maintenance costs may be invested in equipment and furnishings after the tenth month of the fiscal year without regard to the budget projections. Procurement of equipment and furnishings shall be in accordance with state procedures and shall be picked up on state personal property records.(e) The revolving fund hereby created by the one-time appropriation provided herein, and the receipts from charges for use of training site facilities shall be placed on deposit with the State Treasury and earmarked separately as the Military Department Billeting Revolving Fund. The funds provided herein and receipts for use of facilities shall not revert to the General Fund at the end of any fiscal year but shall be encumbered and carried over from year to year.Ala. Code § 31-1-3 (1975)
Acts 1985, No. 85-638, p. 970.