- Section 28-4-110 - Carriage, delivery, etc., into state by common carrier, etc., of prohibited liquors and beverages generally
- Section 28-4-111 - Receipt or acceptance from common carrier, etc., of prohibited liquors or beverages generally
- Section 28-4-112 - Receipt, etc., of prohibited liquors and beverages for storage, distribution, etc., for another
- Section 28-4-113 - Acceptance for or shipment, transportation, delivery, etc., of prohibited liquors or beverages from point to point or along public streets or highways within state
- Section 28-4-114 - Transportation and delivery of prohibited liquors and beverages C.O.D
- Section 28-4-115 - Transportation of prohibited liquors or beverages in quantities of five gallons or more
- Section 28-4-116 - Conduct of business of delivering, transporting, storing or warehousing prohibited liquors and beverages by transfer, warehouse, etc., companies; forfeiture of charter of corporations violating provisions of section
- Section 28-4-117 - Procedure for shipment, delivery, etc., of alcohol and wine to persons for sacramental or nonbeverage use - Preparation of affidavit by person desiring to receive shipment; copy of affidavit to be attached to container in which wine or alcohol shipped
- Section 28-4-118 - Procedure for shipment, delivery, etc., of alcohol and wine to persons for sacramental or nonbeverage use - Maintenance of record of delivery by carrier generally; certificate to be filed with Alcoholic Beverage Control Board stating name of receiver, quantity and character of wine or alcohol, purposes for which received, etc.; inspection of books and records of carrier generally
- Section 28-4-119 - Procedure for shipment, delivery, etc., of alcohol and wine to persons for sacramental or nonbeverage use - Labeling of packages or containers of wine or alcohol for sacramental use
- Section 28-4-120 - Transportation from another state, foreign country, etc., or delivery within state of liquors intended to be used in violation of laws of state
- Section 28-4-121 - Delivery from another state, etc., of liquors consigned to fictitious person, firm, etc., or person, firm, etc., under fictitious name
- Section 28-4-122 - Giving of order for receipt, etc., of liquors consigned from another state, etc., to another person by consignee
- Section 28-4-123 - Acceptance of delivery from common carrier, etc., of liquors from another state, etc., with intent to use, etc., same in violation of laws of state
- Section 28-4-124 - Delivery by common carrier, etc., of liquors from another state, etc., to person, etc., other than consignee without written order of consignee therefor
- Section 28-4-125 - Delivery by common carrier, etc., to minor of liquors from another state, etc
- Section 28-4-126 - Presentation, collection, etc., by bank, etc., of draft, bill of exchange, etc., attached to, connected with, etc., bill of lading, order, etc., for prohibited liquors or beverages
- Section 28-4-127 - Duty of common carrier, etc., to file with Alcoholic Beverage Control Board statement showing date of delivery, name and address of consignee and consignor, kind and amount, etc., of liquor delivered
- Section 28-4-128 - Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to make written demand for statement upon failure of common carrier, etc., to file same; notification of Attorney General of further refusal or neglect to file statement; institution of proceedings for mandamus or injunction by Attorney General
- Section 28-4-129 - Filing of statement by board; inspection of statement by district attorney or police officers
- Section 28-4-130 - Board to furnish certified copies of statements to officers, etc.; admissibility in evidence of statements or copies
- Section 28-4-131 - Duty of common carriers, etc., to maintain current record of date of delivery, name and address of consignee and consignor, kind and amount, etc., of liquors delivered
- Section 28-4-132 - Inspection of record by enforcement officers, etc.; acquisition and admissibility in evidence of record
- Section 28-4-133 - Duty of common carriers, etc., to permit examination of books, records, papers, etc., in connection with prosecutions under article, etc
- Section 28-4-134 - Persons not to be excused from testifying before grand juries or at trials for violations of article; immunity from prosecution as to matters disclosed
- Section 28-4-135 - Where certain offenses deemed committed
- Section 28-4-136 - Penalties for violations of provisions of article by railroad companies, express companies, etc.; duties of district attorney in cases of grand jury indictments
- Section 28-4-137 - Applicability of article to interstate transportation of prohibited liquors or beverages