In the second fiscal year, if applicable, the amount of the additional deposit shall be equal to two percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures. In the third fiscal year, if applicable, the additional deposit shall be equal to three percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for that year, and in the fourth fiscal year and subsequent years, if applicable, the additional deposit shall be equal to four percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for each year. Each year's estimate, after the first year of operation shall reasonably reflect the prior year's operating experience and delivery arrangements.
The annual deposit requirement shall not apply to an organization if the total amount of the accumulated deposit is equal to 25 percent of its estimated annual uncovered expenditures for the next calendar year, or the capital and surplus requirements for the formation for admittance of an accident and health insurer in this state, whichever is less.
If the organization has a guaranteeing organization which has been in operation for at least five years and has a net worth not including land, buildings, and equipment of at least $1 million or which has been in operation for at least 10 years and has a net worth including direct investments in organization-related land, buildings, and equipment of at least $5 million, the annual deposit requirement shall not apply; provided, however, that if the guaranteeing organization is sponsoring more than one organization, the net worth requirement shall be increased by a multiple equal to the number of such organizations. This requirement to maintain a deposit in excess of the deposit required of an accident and health insurer shall not apply during any time that the guaranteeing organization maintains for each organization it sponsors a net worth of at least equal to the capital and surplus requirements for an accident and health insurer.
Ala. Code § 27-21A-12 (1975)