- Section 26-1-1 - Age of majority designated as 19 years
- Section 26-1-2 - Durable power of attorney; appointment by court of guardian, etc., subsequent to execution of durable power of attorney; effect of death of principal upon agency relationship; affidavit by person exercising power of attorney as to lack of knowledge of revocation, etc.; health care power of attorney
- Section 26-1-2.1 - Gifts by power of attorney
- Section 26-1-3 - [Repealed]
- Section 26-1-3.1 - Blood donations by persons 17 or older; blood donations by persons 16 years of age; blood or plasma donations by persons 18 or older
- Section 26-1-4 - Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to provide criminal conviction information on applicants for positions involving child care and treatment; such information to be confidential; applicant to be denied status if has felony conviction; children may be removed from home
- Section 26-1-5 - Age of majority for purposes of contracting with banks, credit unions, etc., for certain loans or accounts; requirements for members of Armed Forces
- Section 26-1-6 - Fundamental rights of parents