Chapter 8 - CHILD LABOR
- Section 25-8-32 - Legislative findings and intent
- Section 25-8-32.1 - Definitions
- Section 25-8-32.2 - Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund
- Section 25-8-33 - Persons under 16 years of age prohibited from working; exceptions; evidence of employment
- Section 25-8-34 - Department of Labor may declare place or occupation dangerous or injurious
- Section 25-8-35 - Prohibited occupations and places for individuals under 16 years of age
- Section 25-8-36 - Time restrictions
- Section 25-8-37 - Employment during schools hours; employment of persons 14 or 15 years of age upon waiver of school attendance
- Section 25-8-38 - Posting of notice of law; time records; meal or rest period; Child Labor Certificate
- Section 25-8-39 - Age requirements for street or public place occupations; exemptions
- Section 25-8-40 - Restrictions for minors engaging in street or public place occupations
- Section 25-8-41 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-42 - Minors violating provisions as to street or public place occupations deemed delinquent
- Section 25-8-43 - Prohibited occupations and places for individuals under 18 years of age
- Section 25-8-44 - Employment in establishment where alcoholic beverages sold; minors performing nude or partially nude
- Section 25-8-45 - Eligibility to work form - When required; Child Labor Certificates
- Section 25-8-46 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-47 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-48 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-49 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-50 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-51 - Cancellation of child labor certificate
- Section 25-8-52 - Routine inspections of business establishments
- Section 25-8-53 - School attendance officers
- Section 25-8-54 - Working conditions
- Section 25-8-55 - Inspection and issuance of order for correction of unsanitary or unhealthy conditions
- Section 25-8-56 - Removal of minor from establishment
- Section 25-8-57 - Discrimination prohibited against persons disclosing information, making charges, refusing to obey illegal orders, etc
- Section 25-8-58 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-8-59 - Penalties; notice of violation and opportunity to show cause; hearing
- Section 25-8-60 - Minors employed as actors or performers
- Section 25-8-61 - Minors employed as models