Section 25-4-145 - Penalties; limitation of actions; collection of overpayments; waiver of overpayments(a) Penalties. (1) Whoever willfully makes a false statement or representation or who willfully fails to disclose a material fact to obtain or increase any benefit or payment under this chapter, or under an unemployment insurance law of any other state or government, either for himself or herself or for any other person, whether such benefit or payment is actually received or not, shall be guilty of an offense as follows and each such false statement or representation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense: a. If the aggregate amount involved in the offense exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) in value, that shall constitute a Class B felony.b. If the aggregate amount involved in the offense exceeds five hundred dollars ($500) but does not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), that shall constitute a Class C felony.c. If the aggregate amount involved in the offense does not exceed five hundred dollars ($500), that shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor.d. Upon conviction, sentencing for these offenses shall follow Sections 13A-5-6, 13A-5-7, and 13A-5-9, as appropriate.e. In lieu of fines, any person found guilty under this section shall be required to pay restitution to the Department of Labor in at least the amount of benefits fraudulently obtained.(2) Any officer or agent of employer, or any employer who is an individual, who willfully makes a false statement or representation to avoid his or her employer or himself or herself becoming or remaining subject to this chapter for contributions, or to reduce any contribution or other payment required of such employer or him or her under this chapter, or who willfully fails or refuses to make any such contributions or other payments as lawfully required under this chapter, or who induces any employee to waive any rights under this chapter, or any officer or agent of an employing unit, or any employing unit who is an individual, who refuses to furnish any reports duly required under this chapter or to appear or testify or produce records as lawfully required hereunder shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00, or by imprisonment for not longer than 12 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and each such false statement or representation and each day of such failure or refusal, and each such inducement shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.(3) If the secretary finds that any fraudulent misrepresentation has been made by a claimant with the object of obtaining benefits under this chapter to which he or she was not entitled, then, in addition to any other penalty or prosecution provided under this chapter, the secretary may make a determination that there shall be deducted from any benefits to which such claimant might become entitled during his or her present benefit year and/or next subsequent benefit year, an amount not less than four times his or her weekly benefit amount and not more than the maximum benefit amount payable in a benefit year, as determined under Sections 25-4-72, 25-4-74 and 25-4-75, at the time the secretary makes the determination. Additionally, a disqualification shall be applied for the 52-week period which immediately follows the final date of the fraud determination and until the fraud overpayment has been repaid in cash. For subsequent acts determined as fraud, the disqualification shall be for the 104-week period which immediately follows the final date of the fraud determination and until the fraud overpayment has been repaid in cash. Federal and state income intercepts used to satisfy overpayments are to be considered as cash payments for the purposes of this subsection. The secretary shall notify the claimant of his or her findings and determination either by delivering a copy thereof to him or her or by mailing a copy, postage prepaid, to his or her last known address. Unless the claimant shall appeal from the finding or from the determination, or both, within seven calendar days after delivery of such notice to him or her, or within 15 calendar days after such notice was mailed to his or her last known address, postage prepaid, such finding and determination shall become final. If such claimant shall appeal from such finding or determination, or both, within the time specified, the issue or issues shall be referred to an appeals tribunal for hearing, as in other benefit cases, and thereafter the procedure shall be the same as set forth in Article 5 of this chapter.(4) Any violation of any provisions of this chapter, for which a penalty is neither prescribed above nor provided by any other applicable statute, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00, or by imprisonment for not longer than twelve months, or by such fine and imprisonment.(b) Limitation of actions. Prosecution under this section must be begun within three years from the date of the commission of the offense or offenses described herein.(c) Collection of overpayments. (1) Any individual who has received any sum as benefits or payments under this chapter while any conditions for the receipt of benefits or payment imposed by this chapter were not fulfilled by such person, or while he or she was disqualified from receipt of benefits; or by reason of non-disclosure or misrepresentation by him or her or another of a material fact (irrespective of whether such non-disclosure was known or fraudulent) or for any other reason causing him or her to receive benefits to which he or she was not entitled, shall be required to repay such sum in cash or by offset against any future benefits if payable or a combination of both.(2) Such person shall be promptly notified of the determination of overpayment and the reasons therefor. Unless such person, within 15 calendar days immediately following the date such notification was mailed to his or her last known address, files an appeal from such determination, such determination shall be final. Any appeal therefrom pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be limited solely to the overpayment issue.(3) If the indebtedness is not paid by such person within 30 calendar days after the determination has become final, the secretary shall proceed to effect collection of the overpayment and shall have available to him or her all civil actions available to him or her under the laws of this state to collect the overpayment as well as those provisions contained in subsection (b) of Section 25-4-134 applying to the collection of contributions.(4) All overpayment balances classed as fraudulent shall accumulate interest at the rate of two percent per month on unpaid balances and shall be added to the debt balance and shall be deposited in the fraud penalty account described in Section 25-4-31.(5) All overpayment balances classed as fraudulent shall have an additional minimum penalty of 15 percent assessed. The penalty shall be deposited into the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund in accordance with Section 25-4-31(a).(d) Waiver of overpayment; limitations. (1) The secretary is hereby authorized to waive overpayments under such procedure and conditions as he or she may by regulation prescribe.(2) The other provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, no action to enforce recovery or recoupment of any overpayment shall begin after six years from the date of the final determination as is provided for in subsection (c) of this section.Ala. Code § 25-4-145 (1975)
Amended by Act 2012-292,§ 1, eff. 8/1/2012.Acts 1939, No. 497, p. 721; Code 1940, T. 26, §251; Acts 1951, No. 568, p. 1000; Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 274, p. 2298, §9; Acts 1978, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 1, p. 5, §11; Acts 1980, No. 80-756, p. 1561, §7; Acts 1983, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 83-155, p. 264, §15.