Ala. Code § 21-8-4
The Director of the Children's Rehabilitation Service shall appoint a committee to consult with the Children's Rehabilitation Service in the administration of the program established by this chapter. The committee shall be composed of not more than 12 members representing hospitals, voluntary agencies interested in hemophilia, medical specialists in hemophilia patient care, representatives of adult hemophiliacs and parents of hemophiliacs, and the general public; but no group shall have more than four members on the committee. Each member of the committee shall hold office for a term of four years or until his successor is appointed and qualified; except, that of those members initially appointed, two shall be appointed for one-year terms, three shall be appointed for two-year terms, three shall be appointed for three-year terms, and three shall be appointed for four-year terms. Any vacancy occurring on the committee shall be filled by appointment by the division director for the unexpired term. The committee shall meet at least annually, and at such other times as the chairman or a majority of members deem necessary. Members of the committee shall receive no compensation, but shall be reimbursed, upon proper documentation, for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
Ala. Code § 21-8-4 (1975)