Section 16-6C-1 - Legislative findings(a) Just as there is value in assigning grades that reflect the performance of public school students in Alabama, the Legislature finds that there is also value in assigning grades that reflect the performance of the public schools attended by public school students in Alabama. The Legislature further finds that an easy to understand school grading system would best serve the interests of the public as a whole, and specifically the parents and guardians of public school students, by providing another transparent layer of accountability for the public dollars allocated to elementary and secondary education in the state.(b) The Legislature also finds that there is a need for a program to reward public K-12 schools in Alabama that demonstrate high achievement. The Legislature further finds that performance-based incentives and increased autonomy are commonplace in the private sector and should be infused into the public sector as a reward for productivity.Ala. Code § 16-6C-1 (1975)
Added by Act 2012-402,§ 1, eff. 5/15/2012.