Section 16-24C-7 - Transfers and reassignments(a) Except as otherwise specified, employees may be transferred or reassigned at any time as the needs of the employer require to any position for which they are qualified by skill, training, or experience by the president of a two-year educational institution alone or upon the recommendation of the chief executive officer and the approval of the governing board.(b) A chief executive officer may reassign a teacher to any grade, position, or work location within the same school, campus, instructional facility, or, for two-year institutions operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary Education, to any teaching position or work location that is under the control and jurisdiction of the institution, as the needs of the employer require. For a tenured teacher, except as required by acts of God or disasters that are beyond the reasonable control of the employer, written notice of the reassignment must be issued to the teacher no later than the twentieth calendar day after the first day of classes for students, and the teacher may not be involuntarily reassigned under this subsection more than one time in a school year, excluding summer term. The reassignment may only be to another position for which the teacher holds appropriate certification, and the reassignment may not entail a loss of or reduction in compensation. Such reassignments are not subject to challenge or review under this chapter. For reassignments due to acts of God or disasters later than the 20th calendar day after the first day of class for students, a tenured teacher may request a hearing before the board prior to a vote of the board on the proposed transfer.(c) Tenured teachers may be transferred within an agency or system to any grade or position outside of the school, campus, or instructional facility to which the teacher is assigned subject to the following terms and conditions: The transfer must be to another position for which the employee holds appropriate certification and the transfer must be without loss of or reduction in compensation. Except as required by acts of God or disasters that are beyond the reasonable control of the employer, written notice of the proposed transfer must be issued to the teacher by the president of a two-year educational institution alone or the chief executive officer no later than the twentieth calendar day after the first day of classes for students, and the teacher may not be involuntarily transferred under this subsection more than one time in a school year, excluding summer term. In the notice of proposed transfer, and prior to a final decision of the president of a two-year educational institution or the governing board, the teacher must be afforded an opportunity to meet with the president of a two-year educational institution or the governing board to demonstrate why the proposed transfer should not be approved. Such transfers are not subject to challenge or review under this chapter. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the involuntary transfer or reassignment of a tenured teacher employed by a two-year institution operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary Education to another such institution. If the proposed transfer is to a work site outside of the high school feeder pattern in which the teacher is currently working, then the teacher may request a hearing before the board prior to a vote of the board on the proposed transfer. For transfers due to acts of God or disasters later than the 20th calendar day after the first day of class for students, a tenured teacher may request a hearing before the board prior to a vote of the board on the proposed transfer.(d) Nonprobationary classified employees may be transferred to any position for which they are qualified within the agency or system by which they are employed including, for employees of two-year institutions operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary Education, any work location that is under the control and jurisdiction of the institution, if the transfer is without loss of or reduction in compensation, written notice of the proposed transfer is issued to the employee by the president of the two-year educational institution or the chief executive officer not less than 15 calendar days before a final decision is made by the president of the two-year educational institution alone or a vote thereon is taken by the governing board, and the transfer is effective not less than 15 calendar days after the date of the final decision. A nonprobationary classified employee of an employer, other than a two-year institution under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary Education, who is proposed to be transferred to a principal work site that is outside of the high school feeder pattern in which the current work site of the employee is located, shall be afforded an opportunity to appeal in the same manner as a termination. This subdivision shall not apply to employees whose daily work assignments and duties require regular or periodic travel throughout the school system or between work sites operated by or under the control of the employer. Except as required by acts of God or disasters that are beyond the reasonable control of the employer, a nonprobationary classified employee may not be involuntarily transferred more than one time in a school year, excluding summer term. Such transfers are not subject to challenge or review under this chapter. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the involuntary transfer or reassignment of a classified employee of a two-year institution operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary Education to another such institution.(e) Probationary teachers and probationary classified employees may be transferred to another position that provides for a lower rate or amount of compensation or a shorter term of employment if the employee holds appropriate certification or qualifications for the position, the notice of proposed transfer contains a written explanation of the effect of the transfer on the compensation of the employee, and the notice informs the employee that he or she may object in writing to the transfer before a final decision is made by the president of the two-year educational institution alone or a vote is taken thereon by the governing board. If approved by the president of a two-year educational institution alone or by vote of the board, the transfer shall be effective not less than 15 calendar days after the date of the final decision. Such transfers are not subject to challenge or review under this chapter.(f) A tenured teacher or nonprobationary classified employee may be involuntarily transferred to another position that provides for a lower rate or amount of pay or a shorter term of employment, subject to the following terms and conditions: The notice of proposed transfer and subsequent proceedings, except for use of the term transfer, shall conform and be subject to the substantive and procedural standards and requirements that apply to termination of nonprobationary employees under Section 16-24C-6, and to appeals therefrom. No vote or decision on such transfers shall be made for political or personal reasons. Notwithstanding the foregoing, transfers or reassignments that are made as a part of, as a consequence of, or in conjunction with reductions-in-force authorized under Section 16-1-33, or in order to comply with state or federal law are not subject to challenge or review under this chapter, whether or not such transfers or reassignments are to positions that provide for a lower rate or amount of pay or a shorter term of employment.Ala. Code § 16-24C-7 (1975)