Ala. Code § 15-8-150
The forms of indictment set forth in this section in all cases in which they are applicable, are sufficient, and analogous forms may be used in other cases.
The State of Alabama,) | Circuit court, _________ session, |
_________________) | 20___ |
The grand jury of said county charge that, before the finding of this indictment, etc. (describing the offense as in the following forms), against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama.
E.F.J.,District Attorney of the ______ circuit. |
A. B. did, contrary to law, and subsequent to the ____ day of ____, 20__, advertise (or otherwise describing the unlawful act) in this state for the purpose of inducing or securing subscriptions to or sales of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the security so advertised), which said stock (or other security) had not then been registered and recorded in the register of the Alabama Securities Commission (or which said advertisement had not then been filed with and approved by the chairman of the Alabama Securities Commission).
A. B. and C. D. did fight together in a public place
A. B., with intent to defraud, marked or branded an unmarked horse, or altered or defaced the mark or brand of a marked animal, the property of C. D.
A. B. did override (overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, mutilate or cruelly kill, or cause or procure the same, as the case may be) a horse (or other domestic animal, naming it).
A. B. did unlawfully, or wantonly, or maliciously, kill (or disable, disfigure, destroy or injure) a horse (or other property mentioned in the statute), the property of C. D.
A. B. willfully set fire to, or burned or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning (as the case may be) a dwelling house (or other building describing it), the property of C. D.; or with intent to defraud set fire to or burned, or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning of a dwelling house (or other house within the curtilage of such dwelling house) the property of himself; (if it is alleged that said arson has produced the death or maiming of any person, this allegation shall be added.)
A. B. willfully set fire to or burned, or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning (as the case may be) of a crib, (or other building) the property of C. D., not within the curtilage of a dwelling, or a shop (or other building) the property of another; or, with intent to defraud, set fire to or burned, or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning of (any of the property named in this section) belonging to himself; (if it is alleged that said arson has produced the death or maiming of any person, this allegation shall be added.)
A. B. willfully set fire to, or burned or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning (as the case may be) of a crib, (or other building describing it), of the value of $25.00 or more, the property of C. D.; or with intent to defraud set fire to or burned, or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning of a crib (or other property named in this section) the property of himself.
A. B. assaulted and beat C. D.
A. B. and C. D. did abuse, whip, or beat E. F., upon an accusation that he had been guilty of stealing (or to force the said E. F. to disclose where he was on the night of August 21, 1975, or to leave the country, etc., as the case may be.)
A. B. did assault and beat C. D. with a cowhide, stick or whip, having in his possession at the time a pistol (or a bowie knife or other deadly weapon), with the intent to intimidate the said C. D., and prevent him from defending himself.
A. B. assaulted C. D. with the intent unlawfully, maliciously and intentionally to cut out or disable his tongue, or to put out or destroy his eye, etc.
A. B., unlawfully and with malice aforethought, did assault C. D., with the intent to murder him.
A. B. did assault C. D., a woman, with the intent forcibly to ravish her.
A. B. assaulted C. D. with the felonious intent, by violence to his person or by putting him in fear of some serious and immediate injury to his person, to rob him.
A. B. bet at a game played with cards or dice, or some device or substitute for cards or dice, at a tavern, inn, storehouse for retailing spirituous liquors, or house or place where spirituous liquors were at the time sold, retailed or given away, or in a public house, highway or some other public place or at an outhouse where people resorted (or other place forbidden by law), against, etc.
A. B. bet at a gaming table for gaming, or at a game called keno, or roulette, etc.
A. B. did bet with C. D. on a general (or primary, or municipal or special) election, held on the ____ day of ____, __.
A. B., being of full age, bet with C. D., a minor
A. B., having a wife then living, unlawfully married one C. D.
A. B. did corruptly offer, promise or give to C. D., a ministerial officer of a court, to-wit: (name the office), or to C. D., auditor, juror, arbitrator, umpire or referee, $1.00 (or other gift, gratuity or value, naming it), with the intent to bias the mind or influence the decision of C. D., as such officer in relation to the cause or matter, viz.: (describe the cause or matter).
A. B. did corruptly give, offer or promise one C. D. a certain gift, gratuity or thing of value, to-wit: (describing the gift or thing of value, as one horse or $10.00), with intent to induce or influence said C. D. to commit a certain crime or offense punishable as a felony, to-wit: (the offense of murder by unlawfully and with malice aforethought killing one E. F., or the offense of perjury by falsely and corruptly swearing on the trial of the case of the State of Alabama v. said A. B., in the _____ court of ______ county, which case was a criminal prosecution against said A. B. for the offense of murder of one E. F. that he, said C. D., was present at the time the homicide was committed, and that said A. B., did not cut said E. F., or, that at the time the homicide was committed said A. B. was at the house of said C. D., a place other than the place at which the homicide was committed).
A. B. feloniously took and carried away, in the State of Mississippi, one mule, the personal property of C. D., and brought said mule into the County of Mobile, in this state, against, etc.
A. B. did willfully injure or deface a church (or other building within the statute, describing it; if the property of an individual, giving the name of the owner or person in possession).
A. B. had in his possession an implement or instrument designed and intended by him to aid in the commission of burglary or larceny in this state, or elsewhere, against, etc.
A. B. did, in the nighttime, with intent to steal (or to commit arson in the first degree, or other designated felony, as the case may be, or in the alternative) break into and enter an inhabited dwelling (or other house or building within the statute, describing it and giving the name of the owner or person in possession) which was occupied by C. D., a person lodged therein, against, etc.
A. B. did, in the daytime, with intent to steal (or to commit arson in first degree, or other designated felony, as the case may be, or in the alternative), break into and enter an inhabited dwelling house (or other house or building within the statute, describing it, and giving the name of the owner or person in possession), which was occupied by C. D., a person lodged therein or A. B. did with intent to steal (or to commit arson in the first degree, or other designated felony, as the case may be, or in the alternative), break into and enter an uninhabited dwelling house, or a building, structure or other enclosure (describing it and giving the name of the owner or person in possession) within the curtilage of a dwelling house, though not forming any part thereof, or a shop, store, warehouse (or other building, structure, or enclosure within the statute, describing it, giving the name of the owner or person in possession) which is specially constructed or made to keep goods, wares, merchandise or other valuable thing (describing the article) in which goods, wares, merchandise or other valuable thing (describing it) was kept for use, sale or deposit (as the case may be or in the alternative), against, etc.
A. B., with intent to steal or to commit a felony (designating the felony as the case may be, or in the alternative) did break into and enter a motor vehicle, the property of C. D., against, etc.
A. B., with intent to steal (or to commit a felony, describing it as murder, or as the case may be), broke into and entered a railroad car, upon or connected with a railroad in this state, in which goods, merchandise, furniture or valuable things were kept for use, deposit or transportation as freight.
A. B., willfully or with intent to charge, injure or defraud the insurer, set fire to (or burned or caused to be burned, or aided or procured the burning, as the case may be) the following personal property: (here describe it) the property of himself, or of C. D., which property was at the time insured against loss or damage by fire
A. B. did buy, sell, have in possession illegally, give, barter, exchange, receive, deliver, carry or ship prohibited liquors, contrary to law, against, etc.
A. B. played at a game with cards or dice, or some device or substitute for cards or dice, at a tavern, inn, storehouse for retailing spirituous liquors or house or place where spirituous liquors were at the time sold, retailed or given away, or in a public house, highway or some other public place or at an outhouse where people resorted.
A. B. did carnally know, or abuse in the attempt to carnally know C. D., a girl under the age of 12.
A. B. carried a pistol concealed about his person or on premises not his own or under his control.
A. B. gave, accepted or knowingly carried a challenge, in writing, or in words (as the case may be), to fight in single combat, with a deadly weapon, against, etc.
A. B. did take C. D., a woman, unlawfully and against her will, by menace, force or duress, did compel her to marry him (or to marry one E. F., or to be defiled, etc., as the case may be).
A. B., knowing that one C. D. had been guilty of the commission of a felony, took or agreed to take, from the said C. D., money or other property, to compound or conceal such felony, or to abstain from any prosecution therefor.
A. B. and C. D. conspired together to unlawfully, and with malice aforethought, kill E. F. (or to assault and beat E. F., as the case may be), against, etc.
A. B. had in his possession a counterfeit of a gold coin of the United States, of the denomination of $10.00, which was at the time current in this state, knowing the same to be counterfeit, and with intent to defraud or injure, by uttering the same as true, or causing it to be so uttered.
A. B. counterfeited a silver coin of the Republic of Mexico, called a dollar, which was at the time, by law, usage and custom, current in this state.
A. B. did take or decoy away C. D., a child, with intent to detain or conceal the said C. D. from his (or her) parents (or guardian, as the case may be), etc.
A. B. did falsely speak (or write or print, as the case may be) of and concerning C. D., in the presence of E. F., charging her with a want of chastity, or did falsely and maliciously speak of and concerning C. D. in the presence of E. F. charging him with having committed larceny, or perjury (or other felony or indictable offense, as the case may be), in substance as follows, to-wit: (here setting out the substance of the word spoken, written or printed, as the case may be).
A. B. did practice or engage in the business of dentistry without a license and contrary to law.
A. B., an officer of the court, to-wit, a deputy sheriff (or a grand juror, as the case may be), disclosed the fact that an indictment had been found by the grand jury of said county against one C. D., before the defendant had been arrested, or had given bail for his appearance to answer thereto, against, etc.
A. B. willfully interrupted or disturbed an assemblage of people, met for religious worship, by noise, profane discourse or rude or indecent behavior at or near the place of worship (or by fighting at or near the place of worship, as the case may be).
A. B., by rude or indecent behavior, or by profane or obscene language, disturbed a woman at a public place (or at a railroad station or other place frequented by the traveling public, as the case may be) against, etc.; or A. B., by rude and indecent behavior, or by profane or obscene language, willfully disturbed a woman on a railroad car, or steamboat or in any other public conveyance, as the case may be.
A. B., while intoxicated or drunk, did appear in a public place, to-wit (name the place) where one or more persons were present, or within the curtilage of the private residence of C. D., where one or more persons were present, and manifested his drunken condition by boisterous or indecent conduct, or loud and profane discourse.
A. B., an officer of the Central of Alabama, a bank incorporated under the laws of said state, embezzled or fraudulently converted to his own use money to about the amount of $500.00 (or bank notes to the amount of about $1,000.00, as the case may be), which was in the possession of the said bank, or deposited therein.
A. B., without authority of law, signed, made, emitted or countersigned, or caused or procured to be made, emitted, signed or countersigned, a certain paper to answer the purpose of money, or for general circulation, in substance as follows: (here set out substantially the paper), against, etc.; or A. B. passed or circulated a certain paper the substance or tenor of which is as follows: (setting it out in substance), the said paper having been issued without the authority of law, to answer the purposes of money, against, etc.
A. B., with intent to injure or defraud his employer, C. D., entered into a written contract to perform labor or services for C. D., and obtained thereby the sum of _____ dollars (or certain personal property, describing it) from C. D., and afterwards with like intent and without just cause, failed or refused to perform such labor or services, or to refund such money (or to return such personal property) against, etc.
A. B., being an officer of said county, knowingly took from C. D. $5.00 for the issue of a search warrant, being a greater fee than was by law allowed for such service.
A. B. did falsely personate C. D., with intent to defraud, and, in such assumed character, received $100.00, intended to have been delivered to the said C. D.
A. B. did falsely pretend to C. D., with intent to defraud, that he had 10 bales of cotton packed and ready for delivery, and, by means of such false pretense, obtained from the said C. D. $100.00 (or 10 pieces of cloth, as the case may be).
A. B. did falsely pretend to C. D., with intent to injure or defraud, that (here set out the false pretenses), and by means of such false pretenses, obtained from C. D. his signature to a certain written instrument, in substance as follows: (here set out instrument as near as may be), the false making of which is forgery, against, etc.
A. B. did unlawfully present a firearm at C.D.
A. B., with intent to injure or defraud, did alter, forge or counterfeit a certain bill (or note, draft, etc., as the case may be), which was in substance as follows: (here set out the instrument as near as may be); or, with intent to injure or defraud, did utter and publish as true the said falsely altered, forged or counterfeited bill (or note, draft, check, etc., as the case may be), knowing the same to be so altered, forged or counterfeited.
A. B., with intent to injure or defraud, did falsely make, alter, forge, counterfeit (or totally obliterate, as the case may be), an instrument in writing, in words and figures substantially as follows: (here set out the instrument in substance), against, etc.
A. B., with the intent to hinder, delay or defraud his creditors, did make a conveyance of property to C. D.; or A. B. did accept from C. D. a conveyance of property, with the intent to hinder, delay or defraud the creditors of the said C. D.
A. B. feloniously took and carried away a horse, the personal property of C. D., (or a gold watch of the value of _____ dollars, the personal property of C. D.); or
A. B. feloniously took and carried away from a building on fire, or which was removed in consequence of an alarm of fire, a silver watch of the value of ____ dollars, the personal property of C. D.; or
A. B. feloniously took and carried away from a dwelling house a diamond breastpin, of the value of ____ dollars, the personal property of C. D., or
A. B. feloniously took and carried away from the person of C. D. one banknote for $1.00 on the bank of Mobile, of the value of ____ dollars, the personal property of C. D.; or
A. B., knowingly, willfully, and without the consent of the owner, entered upon the land of C. D., and cut and carried off timber (or rails, as the case may be), of the value of $25.00 or more, against, etc.
A. B., a man, being the father of one E. B., a woman, and within the decree of consanguinity or relationship within which marriages are declared by law to be incestuous and void, and knowing of such consanguinity or relationship, did have sexual intercourse with the said E. B., or did live with her in a state of adultery, against, etc.; or
A. B., a man, and C. D., a woman, being within the degree of relationship within which marriages are declared by law to be incestuous and void, to-wit, the said C. D., being the widow of one E. F., the uncle of the said A. B., and, knowing of such relationship, did intermarry, or have sexual intercourse together, or did live together in adultery, against, etc.
A. B. kept, exhibited or was interested or concerned in keeping or exhibiting a gaming table for gaming.
A. B. unlawfully or forcibly inveigled, enticed or confined C. D., with intent to cause said C. D. to be imprisoned against his will, or to be sent out of the state against his will, etc., as the case may be.
A. B., a man, did live with C. D., a woman, in a state of adultery or fornication; or A. B., a man, and C. D., a woman, did live together in a state of adultery or fornication.
A. B. set up or was concerned in setting up or carrying on a lottery.
A. B. did maintain or carry on or knowingly allow his property or premises to be used as a liquor nuisance for the manufacture, storage, receipt or disposition or handling of intoxicating or prohibited liquors contrary to law, against, etc.
A. B. unlawfully, wantonly or maliciously killed, disabled, disfigured or injured a cow, the property of C. D.; or A. B. unlawfully, wantonly or maliciously destroyed or injured ______ , the property of C. D.
A. B. unlawfully and intentionally but without malice, killed C. D. by stabbing him with a knife (or by striking him with a stick, etc., as the case may be).
A. B. unlawfully, but without malice or the intention to kill, killed C. D., by negligently throwing a brick from the top of a house, (or by negligently running over him with a horse or by striking him with a stick, etc., as the case may be).
A. B. did manufacture, sell, give away or have in his possession a still or apparatus or appliance or some device or substitute therefor to be used for the purpose of manufacturing or distilling prohibited liquors or beverages, against, etc.
A. B. unlawfully, maliciously and intentionally cut out or disabled the tongue of C. D., or put out or destroyed an eye of C. D., etc.
A. B. unlawfully, and with malice aforethought, killed C. D., by shooting him with a gun or pistol (or by striking him with an iron weight, or by throwing him from the top of a house or by pushing him into the river, whereby he was drowned, etc., as the case may be).
A. B. unlawfully and with malice aforethought killed C. D. by shooting him with a gun (or by other means to be described), but without premeditation or deliberation.
A. B. unlawfully killed C. D. in a sudden encounter, by the use of a deadly weapon concealed before the commencement of the fight, the said A. B. being the assailant, and his adversary having no deadly weapon drawn.
A. B., on his examination as a witness, duly sworn to testify, on the trial of one C. D., in the ____ court of ____ county, under an indictment for the murder of one E. F., which said court had authority to administer such oath, falsely swore, etc. (stating the facts), the matters so sworn to being material, and the testimony of the said A. B. being willfully and corruptly false.
A. B., on an application for a continuance in a civil action in the ____ court of _____ county, in which one C. D. was plaintiff and the said A. B., defendant, being duly sworn by the clerk of said court who had authority to administer such oath, falsely swore, etc. (stating the fact), the matters so sworn to being material, and the oath of the said A. B. in relation to such matters, being willfully and corruptly false.
A. B. did practice medicine or surgery without a license and contrary to law.
A. B. willfully or wantonly poisoned a spring of water in the yard of C. D., or a reservoir of water in the public square in the town of Tuskegee, etc.
A. B. did engage in, enter into or agree to engage in or enter into a combination, pool, trust or confederation with C. D. in violation of section 8-10-1.
A. B. forcibly ravished C. D., a woman, etc.
A. B., an officer (agent or person authorized to purchase for the state, department or other institution named in the statutes, as the case may be), did ask or bargain for, demand, agree to take, receive or take from C. D., the seller of (here describe the property) $5.00, (or other thing of value, describing it), as a rebate, return, compensation, discount or drawback.
A. B. did buy, receive, conceal or aid in concealing, one watch of the value of ______ dollars, the personal property of C. D., knowing that it was stolen, and not having the intent to restore it to the owner, against, etc.
A. B. removed from the grave the dead body of C. D., from wantonness, or for the purpose of dissection or sale.
A. B. did knowingly and willfully oppose or resist C. D., the sheriff of said county, in attempting to serve or execute a writ of execution, called a fieri facias, issued by the clerk of the circuit court of said county (or as the case may be, describing the process generally).
A. B., C. D. and E. F., being unlawfully assembled, did demolish, pull down or destroy, or begin to demolish, pull down or destroy, a dwelling house.
A. B. feloniously took a gold watch, of the value of _____ dollars, the property of C. D., from his person, and against his will, by violence to his person, or by putting him in such fear as unwillingly to part with the same.
A. B. did, contrary to law, and subsequent to the _____ day of _____, 20__, without first having been registered as a dealer (or salesman) in the office of the State Securities Commission of Alabama, sell (or offer to sell, etc.) in this state shares of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the securities sold, offered for sale, etc.).
A. B., a man, did, by means of temptation, deception, arts, flattery or promise of marriage, seduce C. D., an unmarried woman.
A. B. did unlawfully sell, give or lend a pistol or bowie knife, or other knife of like kind or description, to C. D., a minor, against, etc.
A. B. did sell or convey personal property, consisting of one horse (or other property, as the case may be), upon which he had given a written mortgage, lien or deed of trust and which was then unsatisfied, without first obtaining the consent of the lawful holder thereof.
A. B., with the purpose to hinder, delay or defraud C. D., who had a lawful and valid claim thereto, under a written instrument, lien created by law for rent or advances or other lawful and valid claim, verbal or written, did sell or remove personal property, consisting of one bale of cotton (or other property, as the case may be), of the value of $10.00, the said A. B., having at the time a knowledge of the existence of such claim.
A. B. did, contrary to law, and subsequent to the _____ day of ____, sell (or offer to sell, etc.) in this state, shares of the capital stock of the X. Y. company (or otherwise describing the security sold, offered for sale, etc.), which said stock (or other security) had not then been registered and recorded in the register of the Alabama Securities Commission.
A. B. willfully set off or exploded dynamite or other explosive in, under or dangerously near to the dwelling house of C. D., in which there was at the time a human being.
A. B. willfully set off or exploded dynamite or other explosive in, under or dangerously near to the uninhabited dwelling house of C. D. in which there was at the time no human being.
A. B., against the order of nature carnally knew C. D.; or A. B., against the order of nature, carnally knew a certain beast, to-wit, a cow, against, etc.
A. B. did solicit or receive from C. D. an order for prohibited liquors.
A. B. unlawfully engaged in hunting or shooting (or gaming, or card playing or racing, as the case may be); or, being a merchant or shopkeeper, and not a druggist, kept open store, or did compel his child (or apprentice or servant, in the alternative, as the case may be) to perform labor not the customary duties of daily necessity or comfort or works of charity on Sunday, against, etc.
A. B., without legal cause or good excuse, entered into the dwelling house or on the premises of C. D., after having been warned within six months preceding not to do so; or, A. B., having entered into the dwelling house or on the premises of C. D., failed or refused, without legal cause or good excuse, to immediately leave upon being ordered or requested to do so by C. D., or the person in possession, his agent or representative.
A. B., while fighting at a militia muster (or in a street of the city of Mobile or at a public place, as the case may be) used, or attempted to use a pistol (or gun, as the case may be), not in self-defense, etc.
A. B., while sheriff of said county, having the legal custody of one C. D., who was charged with burglary (or indicted for robbery, as the case may be), voluntarily permitted the said C. D. to escape.
A. B. voted more than once, or deposited more than one ballot as his vote for the same office (or, not being 18 years of age, unlawfully voted), at the last general election held in this state (or the kind of election may be designated, as the case may be), against, etc.
A. B. feloniously took and carried away a cow (or an animal of the cow kind), the personal property of C. D.
Ala. Code § 15-8-150 (1975)