Section 14-14-5 - Medical release application; eligibility factors; revocation; notice(a) An inmate, or any concerned person, including, but not limited to, the inmate's attorney, family, physician, or an employee or official of the department may initiate consideration for medical furlough by submitting to the department an initial medical release application form along with supporting documentation.(b)(1) The initial application form shall include the report of a physician or physicians employed by the department or its health care provider and a notarized report of at least one other duly licensed physician who is board certified in the field of medicine for which the inmate is seeking a medical furlough and who is not an employee of the department. These reports shall each be of the opinion that the inmate is either terminally ill, permanently incapacitated, or that the inmate suffers from a chronic infirmity, illness, or disease related to aging.(2) The commissioner shall provide the initial application and medical authorization forms to all department medical care providers, and the forms shall be available at every correctional facility for distribution to inmates.(c) Consideration for medical furlough shall be initiated by the submission of an application from the department, the inmate, or the inmate's representative, along with the department's supporting documentation to the commissioner.(d) If the appropriate medical documentation pursuant to subsection (b) has indicated that the inmate is permanently incapacitated or terminally ill, the commissioner, within 60 days of receipt of an initial application form, shall make a decision regarding the release of the inmate on medical furlough pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The initial application form and supporting document of inmates, who have been diagnosed by a physician as suffering from a chronic illness or disease related to aging, shall be submitted to the commissioner within 60 days of receipt of the application by the department. Supporting documentation shall include information concerning the inmate's medical history and prognosis, age, and institutional behavior. At the inmate's request, the department shall also provide a copy of all supporting documentation to the inmate.(e) In determining eligibility factors for a medical furlough, the commissioner shall take into consideration all of the following factors:(3) Institutional behavior.(4) Age of the inmate, currently and at the time of the offense.(5) Severity of the illness, disease, or infirmities.(6) All available medical and mental health records.(7) Release plans, which include alternatives to caring for terminally ill or permanently incapacitated inmates in traditional prison settings.(f) If the commissioner determines that a geriatric inmate, permanently incapacitated inmate, or terminally ill inmate meets the requirements for release to medical furlough pursuant to this chapter, the commissioner shall release the inmate on medical furlough pursuant to the provisions of this chapter within 90 days of receipt by the commissioner of the initial application form and supporting documentation. The commissioner shall have the authority to revoke the inmate's furlough pursuant to subsection (h) of Section 14-14-4.(g) At least 30 days prior to release of a geriatric inmate, permanently incapacitated inmate, or terminally ill inmate under subsection (f), the commissioner shall provide notification of the medical furlough release to the district attorney of the jurisdiction where the inmate was last sentenced and shall also provide notification of the medical furlough release to the victim, victim's representative, and other interested individual via certified mail, return receipt requested, or by using the automated victim notification system as provided in Section 15-22-36 and Section 15-22-36.2.Ala. Code § 14-14-5 (1975)
Amended by Act 2015-185,§ 3, eff. 1/30/2016if the Director of Finance certifies that specific funding to implement the provisions of this act has been appropriated to the Board of Pardons and Paroles and the Department of Corrections.Act 2008-550, p. 1193, §5.